- The Washington Times - Thursday, May 11, 2017

Michael Savage, top-ranked talk-radio host in America, said President Donald Trump ought to lay low for a bit, back off the social media and keep a quieter profile because, frankly — and these are Savage’s words — his “administration is in trouble.”

Good advice. But my, how the left must be cheering. Before day one of Trump’s White House, the progressives, socialists, anarchists and generally insane of the left had set their sights on the president’s back, vowing to impeach — crime? what crime? We don’t need no stinkin’ crime — while causing widespread ruckus in the streets, on college campuses and throughout the media.

It’s having an effect.

“Right now, truthfully, the administration is in trouble,” Savage said on a recent broadcast, as noted by WND. “It’s not because they did anything wrong. It’s because of the appearance that the radical left has recreated. The mad, mad bees of the left are swarming and stinging.”

This is rather an astonishing reality. Why? Because Savage is quite right — the furor over Trump is entirely image-driven.

The left hates Trump — hates freedom, in fact. And that hate has fueled what certainly has become the most vitriolic political climate in American history. Conservative speakers can’t even address student bodies on college campuses, for crying out loud, without windows being smashed, cars being burned, injuries being reported. And can Maxine Waters, California congresswoman, call for impeachment any more frequently?

My God, the woman lives and breathes the word.

“Maxine, how do you feel about Trump?”

“Impeach him!”

“Maxine, what kind of pizza do you want for lunch?”

“Pepperoni with extra cheese — and that reminds me, impeach Trump!”

Savage, who was actually praised by Trump for helping win the White House, is on to something here.

“I think he should calm down,” Savage said. “I think he should withdraw from the picture for awhile. I think he should let all the president’s men stand up there and take the heat. I think he should get out of the spotlight for a while.”

Good advice, really.

One mark of a good leader is to stand strong in the face of adversity. And on that score, Trump’s done well — he’s proven himself. But another mark? Wisdom.

There is, as Ecclesiastes tells us, a “time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted.”

A time to fight — a time to rest. And for Trump, letting his executive appointees and allies take up arms while he lays low might just be the way to confound and hush his many, many detractors, at least for a season.

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