- The Washington Times - Thursday, May 11, 2017

Minnesota is facing a bit of a measles crisis, with nearing 50 confirmed cases in the last four weeks — a level that hasn’t been seen in three decades or so.

But the blame for this crisis is being wrongfully cast on anti-vaccination activists, and not on open border folk, where it more rightfully belongs.

It should be noted these cases came primarily from the Somali community of Hennepin County. They also come from a state with a massive refugee acceptance rate.

As the StarTribune wrote way back in December 2015: “Minnesota is poised to receive more refugees in 2016 than in any year for almost a decade. … Roughly three-quarters of the [2015] newcomers settled in Hennepin and Ramsey counties. Of the 2,338 total, almost 45 percent hailed from Somalia. … Minnesota remains near the top among states for refugee resettlement … [and] is the top destination for refugees who move from the state where they were originally resettled.”

And now that state, and in particular, that county in the state known for taking in Somalian refugees, is experiencing a near-historic measles outbreak.

Coincidence? Methinks not.

But medical professionals, instead of reflecting upon the obvious tie of measles to refugees, are blaring forth theories that blame “anti-vaccination” activists for exerting undue influence on the parents in Hennepin County.

Look at this headline, from Fox News: “Minnesota measles outbreak: Officials say Somali families ’targeted with misinformation.’ “

The logic? That the measles outbreak came about because these anti-vaccination groups convinced Somalian parents to refrain from vaccinating their kids, and their kids, as a consequence, weren’t properly protected from measles. Thus the outbreak.

That’s all well and good — and perhaps anti-vaccination people did indeed convince some of these parents not to vaccinate.

But isn’t that why we have border laws in the first place — to make sure those who come into this country aren’t going to cause harm to the legal citizens? To make sure those coming to America are both properly prepared and willing to assimilate?

Seems that’s a piece or two of the border puzzle that’s been lacking of late, at least with the previous administration. And now we’re suffering the repercussions.

Under Barack Obama, the policy was open door, all the time. It was his push that allowed so many non-vaccinated people into the country in the first place.

And now?

Forty-five of the recent measles’ cases were confirmed just this week in Hennepin County; 41 involve Somalis. And almost all the cases involved children under the age of 10.

So Democrats and open border advocates, take note: It’s nice to welcome in everybody and anybody with need. But measles doesn’t discriminate. It also hangs around the air a good two hours or so after the infected person leaves the area. So be careful what you preach. An open borders mantra might sound great to the base, and to those from other countries whose votes you’re not doubt expecting to win. But measles isn’t likely to stay confined to one small Minnesota county. And that next case — that next outbreak — may very well touch upon one of your very own family members. The question is: Will you have the political commitment to stand strong on open borders then?

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