- The Washington Times - Monday, May 1, 2017

It’s International Workers Day, and once again, here in America, the anti-President Donald Trump forces are heading to the streets to call for the commander-in-chief’s head on a platter.

Line forms on the left, people. A week or so ago, it was the March for Science crowd who filled the streets to hate on Trump. A couple days ago it was the People’s Climate March — another yawner of anti-Trumpism on Capitol Hill. Now comes the global May Day — and in the United States, it’s more the march of the illegals.

This should be good.

Picture this: The National Mall, filled with protesters, many of them illegals, all protesting the Trump administration’s so-dubbed “deportation machinery” and demanding the non-Americans of the world get the same rights and privileges and constitutional protections as Americans — just blocks from where Immigration and Customs Enforcement headquarters sits.

It’s like fishing in a barrel, right?

Breitbart reports: “The May Day protest by illegal aliens goes back to 2006 when ’1.5 million people took to the streets across the country to demand immigration reform,’ left-wing magazine The Nation reported. … Now, protesters aren’t asking for a pathway to citizenship.”

No, now they’re demanding for such civil rights as due process and democracy and tolerance.

In other words, they’re demanding the right to be in-country — even though they have no legal right to be in the country. And they’re making the case based on upside-down logic that characterizes rule-of-law approaches to border control as racist and non-inclusive.

“With the Trump administration intensifying attacks on Native Americans, immigrants, refugees, trans individuals, Muslims, women, people of color in general, and the poor, a coalition led by immigrants and workers is aiming to mark this year’s May Day with the biggest workers strike in over a decade,” The Nation wrote.

Well, pick a protest and join in.

Cities around the nation will be offering similar opportunities for the supposed downtrodden of the nation — meaning, the illegals who aren’t supposed to be here anyway, and the jobless do-nothings and angry leftists who support them all.

The Internet’s filled with invites from all the various hate-Trump groups — the LGBTQs, the women, the blacks, the illegals, yada yada.

“Opposing Trump is not enough,” one website about the May Day rallies reads, as Breitbart noted. “We must stop him.”

OK. But stop him from what, exactly?

He’s in the White House; he wears the commander-in-chief tag. He eats at the presidential table. Did these protesters not get the memo? It came in January — it was that thing on Capitol Hill called Inauguration Day.

America’s Constitution guarantees the right to peaceably assemble — the right to gather and petition government for reform, change, better politics and policies, and so on. But this May Day gathering seems a recipe for ICE success.

“We believe that when the country recognizes it depends on immigrant labor to function we will win permanent protection from deportation for the 11 million undocumented immigrants,” said Maria Fernanda Cabello, one of the “Day Without Immigrants” supporters from February, who spoke to The Nation about May Day, 2017.

Well and good. Hope at least half of them show for these protests — and that ICE is watching and waiting.

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