- The Washington Times - Monday, May 1, 2017

Chalk up another win for the snowflakes who fear hurt feelings more than ISIS — or failed lives. Clemson University student leaders penned an open letter to administrators demanding that they be given a safe spot on campus for LGBTQs.

Apparently, administrators haven’t catered enough to the special rights of the point-oh-something percenters — well, actually, the 3.5 percenters. That’s the number reported for the LGBTQ crowd size in America, circa 2011, from the Williams Institute. That same report puts the number of transgenders in the nation at 0.3 percent of all adults. Who knows how accurate these numbers are. 

Evidently, it’s enough to win special rights.

The letter from the student leaders — who head up the Clemson University Sexuality and Gender Alliance, SAGA, and the Clemson Southern Poverty Law Center, SPLC, chapter — accuses the university president of insensitivity and of subpar performance on the Campus Pride Index. And while individual cases of insensitivity might be dismissed now and again, failing marks on the CPI are not to be forgiven.

Not in this politically correct day and age anyway.

The CPI, for those interested, is a “tool for assisting campuses in learning ways to improve their LGBTQ campus life,” Campus Reform reported. And sadly, Clemson only seems to have rated one-and-a-half stars out of five.

That means a good slice of the point-oh-oh-something crowd — a best-guess representative of the college-age portion of the supposed 3.5 percent adult LGBTQ population — won’t be able to select Clemson as the school of choice because it doesn’t provide them the ability to self-identify by a pronoun of preference.

Or, obtain free condoms.

See, Clemson still cruelly makes students check off on applications and other university forms and documents if they’re male versus female, without allowing for other — or no — gender identities. And buy their own condoms, apparently.

Other anti-LGBTQ practices in play at Clemson?

“One criterion used by the [CPI] index is whether a college offers the option to self-identify sexual orientation, gender identity, name and pronouns on campus records, while others evaluate the accessibility of gender-neutral restrooms, the number of LGBYQ focused living spaces, the existence of bias reporting systems, and whether condoms and dental dams are freely available to students,” Campus Reform wrote.

Remember the days when college was all about the learning experience — meaning, the learning for a lifetime of business success? Perish the thought.

Nowadays, places of higher learning are little more than propaganda breeding grounds. Socialist-slash-progressive training circuits.

Anyhow, activists at Clemson are furious about the low CPI rating and pushing hard for the president and campus officials to get in the LGBTQ special rights game. Step one? Create and give them a safe space because, as the open letter states, “incoming LGBTQ+ underrepresented students enter campus with the deck stacked against them.” Calling a he a he has gone high-charged.

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