- The Washington Times - Thursday, March 9, 2017

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said to a Politico Playbook crowd on Thursday that Mexico is not going to pay for the border wall — the heck with what President Donald Trump claims.

As Mediate reported, McConnell, asked about a wall, said: “There are some places along the border where that’s probably not the best way to secure the border.” He was then reportedly asked if he thought Mexico was going to pay for the wall, as Trump has repeatedly insisted. And McConnell’s reply?

“Uh, no,” Politico reported.

Come on now, Republicans. Could we get on the same message here?

This is the type of thing that drives voters nuts — one GOP leader says one thing; another GOP leader says another. Note to Republicans: It’s also the type of thing the Democrats love.

It’s a sure-fire propaganda tool for the left because it lets them sell the notion of a party that’s crumbling from within — a party that’s divided against itself, cannot stand kind of mantra.

That’s what the media pressed during Trump’s transition to the White House — a team that couldn’t get along, team members who were bickering and backstabbing, incapable of working cohesively.

And that’s what the media’s since sought to report daily, sending its sniffing dogs to pound out the latest press coverage of Trump team conflicts. Remember the long-running, reported-to-nauseam digs at the White House over the differences in statements Sean Spicer and Kellyanne Conway gave about Michael Flynn’s national security advising fate?

Well, this McConnell border wall remark is worse — much worse — because it touches on a topic near and dear to Trump supporters’ hearts: Border security.

Watch. The left will seize on this to show a) Trump doesn’t even have the support of his own party to build a wall and b) Trump’s lied to the American people about paying for the wall.

It’s coming. The sharks in the Democratic Party and in mainstream media will soon catch a whiff of the blood McConnell dropped in the water. And then, how the predatory games will begin.

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