- The Washington Times - Wednesday, March 8, 2017

And this, ladies and gentlemen, is why President Trump won the White House.

A previously deported illegal immigrant from Mexico named Estuardo Alvarado, 45, was charged with five felonies in the alleged drunken driving car slam of a California woman, Sandra Duran, who died at the scene of the wreck.

Alvarado just pleaded not guilty to everything.

Feds, however, paint a different picture — one that points to Alvarado as speeding from the scene of one car wreck before getting into a second crash, the fatal one with Duran.

His charges? Murder, gross vehicular manslaughter while intoxicated and several other felonies.

What’s most tragic — and that’s saying something, given that Duran’s sudden death already falls into that tragedy category — is that Alvarado was first deported in 1998, with 20 felonies and misdemeanors to his name. The LA Daily News reported those offenses ranged from unlawful possession of a weapon to drug dealing.

Apparently, he didn’t have much of a problem coming back to the U.S.

What comes to mind is Mr. Trump’s June 2015 remarks, which went like this: “When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. … They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re bringing rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

A few weeks later, he told CNN in an interview: “You have people come in and I’m not just saying Mexicans, I’m talking about people that are from all over, that are killers and rapists, and they’re coming to this country.”

For that, and for repeating the gist of the comments at choice times throughout his campaign, Mr. Trump was completely vilified by the left, by the media and even by some in his own Republican Party who didn’t want to deal with the can of fire his words opened.

But for regular folks — regular voting folk — Mr. Trump only gave voice to a shared frustration over amnesty and lax borders. And it was one that in June 2015, right around Mr. Trump’s kickoff campaign, had a face — Kate Steinle.

Steinle, if you recall, was the California woman who was shot and killed in broad daylight while walking on a San Francisco pier with her father. The suspect? An illegal immigrant who had been previously deported for several felonies — and who was in fact only in the city because it provided him sanctuary from the deportation storm.

Mr. Trump seized on Steinle’s senseless death to underscore his policy press for border crackdowns. The media and the left, once again, jeered him and painted him as bigoted — but once again, the regular folks applauded.

And voted — for Mr. Trump.

The death of Duran strikes similar to Steinle’s.

“It’s a great concern because this could have been prevented,” said Duran’s sister, Lisa Morales, in the LA Daily News.

Yes, indeed. It’s a great tragedy, a great sadness, an example of great waste of human life and potential.

Know what else it is?

A great example of why voters will stand by Mr. Trump as he works to tighten up borders — and why they won’t abandon him, even when the media and the Democrats call him racist, bigoted, discriminatory and the rest.

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