- The Washington Times - Wednesday, March 8, 2017

The Statue of Liberty went dark for about an hour on Tuesday evening, and the left, after hours of careful consideration followed by lengthy tea-reading sessions, arrived at a conclusion for the reasons for the chaos, and it’s really rather simple when you get right down to it: The lights-out is a heavenly reflection on President Trump.

Makes sense.

On the one hand, you’ve got Lady Liberty. On the other, Mr. Trump, the absolute enemy of liberty. What else could God possibly mean by flicking the off switch at the statue’s base?

It’s like a geometry proof — fact A, Icon of Liberty; fact B, Evil Trump; work the problem and the solution is so obvious, it’s almost insulting to even mention: Heaven hates Mr. Trump.

Don’t believe it?

Well, how else to explain that just this week Mr. Trump signed another executive travel policy that temporarily bans nationals from six terror hot spots around the world from entering the United States — terror hot spots that, don’t you know, are mostly Muslim populations, and that, of course, is a sure sign of White House religious discrimination?

That was Monday; the Lady Liberty blackout was Tuesday.

See where I’m going with this?

I think you do.

Or how about this: On Wednesday, women of the world — not just nation, but world — are going to walk off the job to protest all the stuff that keeps them from being free, like having to pay for birth control and abortions, and having to bear children when men don’t. These are serious issues, folks. After all, Mr. Trump is a man; men don’t birth children. Therefore, Mr. Trump hates women. And God doesn’t like that.

Once again, look at the timing. Lights out plus International Women’s Day equals Trump Must Go. Heaven’s orders.

“Give me your tired your poor your huddled masses but later. We’re closed,” tweeted one, of the darkened statue, as noted by The Washington Post.

“Trump has plunged our country into darkness,” wrote another.

And yet another: “I’ve been wondering how long before France asks @realDonaldTrump for the statue of liberty back as he clearly doesn’t respect its symbolism.”

Meanwhile, “Day Without a Woman” organizers, Women’s March, tweeted this: “Lady Liberty got the memo.”

That she did, Women’s March women. That she did.

And another, showing solidarity with the sisters: “The lights are out at the Statue of Liberty. … that’s ONE MORE woman America CANNOT do without.”

It’s clear what’s going on here. And the only acceptable outcome is that Mr. Trump must leave the White House. Immediately. Else America faces the wrath of God. And truthfully, we just don’t need that at this point in time.

The National Park Service said something about a power outage — but what do they know.

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