- Monday, March 6, 2017

Many politicians have been disliked throughout the years, but I don’t know of any politician more hated than President Donald Trump. Why is Mr. Trump detested by the global elite, mainstream media and liberals? It’s because the globalists want a one-world government, a one-world economy and a one-world religion. Unfortunately for them, but great for America, along came Donald Trump.

They hate Mr. Trump because he opposes the new world order. Those in pursuit of the new world order intend to unite the world under a single system of operation. They seek to impose their will on all humankind. They’ll use climate change, fake news, radical demonstrations, immorality and other schemes to manipulate the people.

Mr. Trump is for America. Don’t be misled by the deceitful mainstream media that has been continuous in its attacks on Mr. Trump. The mainstream media, which wants to turn the public against the president, believe in open borders, while Mr. Trump seeks to protect us. The media wants unbalanced trade deals to integrate nations into a single world economy, but Mr. Trump wants fair trade deals to benefit Americans. The media won’t criticize Islam because Islam will be a key component of the one-world religion. Mr. Trump calls Islamic terrorists out and wants to protect America from those who seek us harm.

This explains the relentless opposition to Mr. Trump, who stands in the way of the mainstream press’ “progress.”


Aurora, Ill.

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