- The Washington Times - Thursday, March 30, 2017

Ah yes, the peaceful protesters of the all-inclusive, tolerant left — they seem to be at it again.

Some students at East Carolina University have vowed to go on a rampage and trash stuff if Tomi Lahren, conservative firebrand, is allowed to come and speak. ’Cause that’s what the college kids do these days when they don’t get their liberal way.

Lahren’s supposed to speak April 17. But not if the brainwashed brats passing themselves off as college learners have anything to do with it.

Campus Reform scarfed up some screen shots of the social media messaging that’s been making the rounds since Turning Point USA secured the speaking deal for Lahren.

They go like this: “Burn the whole University.”

And this: “ECU is about to be a war zone.”

And this: “Keep Toilet Lahren tf away from my school pls and thanks.”

And this, slamming Turning Point USA directly: “@TPUSA_ECU is literally a white supremacist sympathy group @EastCarolina how y’all let this happen???”

Then there was this, a direct call-to-arms: “Who wants to start a campus wide protest with me to keep this crazy [b——] away from ECU?”

The event sponsors say they’re just trying to give students a chance to hear a viewpoint that isn’t frequently represented on campus — the conservative one. They also say they’re trying to show that diversity of thought and freedom of speech are crucial parts of campus life, as well as American politics.

But that’s the problem right there.

Thinking the left is tolerant, welcoming of diverse views and supportive of free speech is like believing in the Easter bunny — it’s cute when you’re little, but nonsensical for those past the age of 10. Everybody knows the left only tolerates rhetoric and ideas that mirror its own. Everybody knows the left pretends to support diversity, while redefining diversity to follow the narrow path of the progressive movement — and violently upbraiding anyone who dares deviate from that path.

Everybody knows that if a conservative speaker is invited to a college campus, the snowflakes masquerading as students of higher learning are going to revolt and rebel.

It’s like a cause-effect expectation now.

Why would Lahren’s scheduled appearance be any different from, say, the one that had been set for Berkeley for Milo Yiannopoulos? In February, his speech was canceled after crazed students, angry at the looming presence of a then-Breitbart editor on campus, went on a violent tear, destroying properties with sticks and stones and fire, fighting police and ultimately causing about $100,000 in damages. And Yiannopoulos is gay — you’d think the leftists at Berkeley would love him. But apparently, conservatism cancels gayness, so much so that he was forced to drop his appearance.

If Yiannopoulos didn’t stand a chance, what makes the heterosexual Lahren think she does, right?

Now the same class of student is clamoring for her blood.

When will college campuses learn?

You can’t expect today’s left-leaning student to act in any way that hints of decorum when a conservative’s in the room. The best way colleges can deal with this new and violent reality is if they want to bring in a conservative speaker, do so — but make sure the campus police are on full manpower force, patrolling by both car and feet, the day of the event.

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