- The Washington Times - Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Michael Moore, that Hollywood walk of famer who rose to national prominence by making movies showing why conservatives suck, now has a new exclamation mark to add to that sentence: President Donald Trump is destroying the world and extinguishing all of humanity.

Oh man, this is bad, very bad. Should I pay my mortgage?

Should I make a grocery run for bread and milk?

“Historians in the near future (because that may be the only future we have) will mark today, March 28, 2017, as the day the extinction of human life on earth began,” Moore wrote on his Facebook page, as noted by Breitbart.

Dang you, Donald Trump — dang you! Don’t you know you can’t be taking over the White House and snuffing out humanity. It’s just not done.

As Moore pointed, it was Trump’s executive order slashing Barack Obama climate change policies that did us in.

“This is a defining moment in the history of mankind,” Moore wrote. “By signing these executive orders today, Trump is declaring an act of war on the planet and its inhabitants. The one silver lining here is that Trump can’t kill the planet; the planet wants to live and has a long history of wiping out any real or perceived threats.”

That’s right; that’s just what nearly happened in the production, “The Little Shop of Horrors.” When Seymour stopped feeding his Venus flytrap human blood, the hungry plant went nuts — ate Seymour, in fact.

Moore’s absolutely correct. It can happen.

And as Moore said: The plants, and planet, are “paying attention.”

That tree you see? “Paying attention.” Keep away from the garden, folks.

“With the actions Trump is taking,” Moore wrote, “the planet is paying attention — and the planet will make sure it dispenses with a species hell-bent on destroying Earth.”

That’s Trump — and anyone who supports Trump. Better scrape the Trump-Pence bumper stickers off the car. There’s a rose bush near the driveway, and it ain’t looking too happy.

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