- The Washington Times - Wednesday, March 29, 2017

To say the Democratic National Committee is going through a staff shake-up would be an understatement — more like a house cleaning.

Sorry, Dems, it’s not enough. Might I suggest a “Do Not Burn Police Cars” policy? Chairman Tom Perez can boot every single Democratic-leaning body from the DNC he wants, but with the continued shift of Democrats to the far left, as demonstrated by their ongoing radical presses for the likes of impeachment and replacement of President Donald Trump, no amount of spring cleaning is going to win the party seats in 2018.

You can’t violently protest in the streets, smash storefront windows and cop cars and expect the moderates and independent-minded voters to jump aboard that crazy train.

The Democratic Party’s fate was sealed when it picked Nancy Pelosi to head again in the House — and the very radical Rep. Keith Ellison to serve as deputy chair of the DNC. Those picks sent a clear message to voters that went like this: We didn’t learn anything from the election of Trump, and instead of paying attention to the populist preferences of the people, we’re going to dig in deeper on the progressive-socialist side of politics.

DNC Chairman Tom Perez, former Labor secretary under Barack Obama, has requested all his staffers turn in resignation letters, dated April 15. And DNC’s spokespeople are trying to downplay the move, pretending as if full-fledged firings of everybody is just part and parcel of normal corporate-type takeovers.

“This is longstanding precedent at the DNC and has happened during multiple Chair transitions,” said Perez spokeswoman Xochitl Hinojosa, in a statement. “The process was started before the election of the new chair. From the beginning, Tom has been adamant that we structure the DNC for future campaigns. Current and future DNC staff will be integral to that effort. Over the last few months, the DNC staff has done incredible work under immense pressure to hold Trump accountable.”

So “incredible” that the new chair, Perez, wants to reward them with pink slips, it seems.

Well, who can blame him, really. The DNC has been sucking big-time, to put it bluntly. The kind of sucking that’s lost them election after election, seat after seat.

But the DNC isn’t so much experiencing the normal pains of leadership change as it is tipping a desperate hand here.

Not only is leadership scurrying to clear the body of any pro-Sen. Bernie Sanders element — you know, the type that was ticked when it was revealed by WikiLeaks how very, very shady the Hillary Clinton team was in keeping the Vermont self-declared socialist from gaining steam in the presidential election. But Team Perez is also looking to make a Mark — to make an official declaration that the Democratic Party Has Arrived. And, by God, this new party isn’t going to take any guff, or prisoners. Unlike under Debbie Wasserman Schultz, when Clinton was basically in charge, Perez’s DNC will stand strong on party principle — whatever that might be.

He’s still deciding, it seems.

Perez announced a while back his new transition committee will advise him on up-and-coming issues of party importance, and that next month, a select few DNCers will start to forge their party platforms into writing — including strict guidelines for selecting candidates. In the meantime, Perez is in the midst of an “active listening” tour at choice spots around the nation.

“What we’re trying to do is culture change,” he said, to NBC, Independent Journal Review reported. “We’re repairing a plane at 20,000 feet. You can’t land the plane, shut it down and close it until further notice.”

Nice visual. But fact is the DNC plane is filled with radical progressives — just the type America’s been busy tossing from political office since the movement of the tea party. And if Trump’s election didn’t make clear the voters’ preference, a few new staffers at the DNC and a leadership “active listening” tour isn’t going to do much, either — not when you have the current batch of Democrats calling for impeachment, burning properties and shutting down free speech at every possible occasion.

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