- The Washington Times - Tuesday, March 28, 2017

President Donald Trump is getting ready to pull off the deal of the decade — and the fact that he’s jumping in bed with Democrats to do it isn’t exactly comforting.

Isn’t this why voters gave Republicans a clean sweep of Washington’s political power corridors, the House, Senate and White House — so said Republicans wouldn’t have to deal with Democrats? Yes. Why yes it was. So when Republicans can’t get Obamacare repeal passed, or Obamacare reform properly legislated, there’s a problem.

But now that Trump’s come out and announced he’s going to work with Democrats on Obamacare matters that Republicans couldn’t conclude, there’s an even bigger problem.

Democrats want Obamacare.

Yet Trump tweeted: “The Democrats will make a deal with me on healthcare as soon as ObamaCare folds — not long. Do not worry, we are in very good shape!”

Red Flag Number One: Whenever a member of government says not to worry — worry.

And Red Flag Number Two: Any sentence that contains the phrase “the Democrats will make a deal …” usually ends poorly for the people.

The people did not elect Republicans to make a deal on Obamacare. The people did not vote for Trump to work with Democrats on an Obamacare replacement.

The people voted for Republicans and for Trump so they wouldn’t have to work with Democrats.

Here’s a thought, tailor made for the GOP. Forget the Democrats.

They are not your friends. They are not here to help — neither you, nor the American voter. They are in office for self-serving reasons, to bring about a progressive-socialist vision of government in America — to bring about a Barack Obama inspired system that shares the wealth, punishes the producer and uplifts the other nations of the world on the backs of independent-minded and hard-working Americans. They are for open borders, socialized health care and all-things-United Nations.

Step away from the Democrats.

And stop criticizing the core conservative base — the one that represents heartland America principles.

“The Republican House Freedom Caucus was able to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory,” Trump also tweeted. “After so many bad years they were ready for a win!”

No. No, no, no, no and no. Scolding the caucus is one thing. Turning around and getting in good with the enemy is another.

“Starting Friday afternoon through late yesterday,” said White House press secretary Sean Spicer, the Hill reported, “[Trump] has received a number of calls, as well as other members of the senior staff that have been working on healthcare, from members of both sides saying that they would like to work together, offer up ideas and have suggestions about how to come to a resolution on this and get a House vote on this.”


Here’s an idea, respectfully to President Trump: When the Democrats call, hang up. You don’t need ’em — and if you recall, the American voter doesn’t want ’em.

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