By Associated Press - Wednesday, March 22, 2017

WASHINGTON (AP) - The Latest on the Republican health care overhaul (all times local):

11:10 p.m.

A prominent Republican moderate from Pennsylvania says he’ll be voting against the GOP health care bill expected to go to the House floor Thursday.

Rep. Charlie Dent, whose district spans counties north and west of Philadelphia, said in a statement Wednesday night that the GOP’s American Health Care Act “will lead to the loss of coverage and make insurance unaffordable for too many Americans, particularly for low-to-moderate income and older individuals.”

Dent is urging the House to step back from what he calls”an arbitrary deadline” and try to come up with a better bill.

GOP leaders are hoping to send a powerful political message by passing the bill Thursday, the 7th anniversary of former President Barack Obama’s signing of the Affordable Care Act, derided by Republican foes as “Obamacare.”


8:55 p.m.

Republicans are considering ways to ease federal requirements that insurers cover such basic services as prescription drugs, maternity care and substance abuse treatment. The latest move comes as leaders try to win votes from dug-in conservatives opposing the House health care bill.

Lawmakers emerging from a meeting late Wednesday of the conservative Freedom Caucus said “essential health benefits” are in play as party leaders and the White House explore ways to advance the House legislation.

Actions to undermine the Affordable Care Act’s benefits are likely to trigger a backlash from patient advocacy groups and organizations representing doctors.

The ACA’s “essential benefits” include outpatient care, emergency services, hospitalization, maternity and newborn care, mental health and substance abuse treatment, prescription drugs, rehabilitation, lab tests, prevention and wellness, and pediatric care.


8 p.m.

The conservative Koch network is promising to spend millions of dollars to defeat the health care overhaul backed by President Donald Trump and top House Republicans.

The network’s leading groups, Americans for Prosperity and Freedom Partners, announced late Wednesday the creation of a special fund to support House members who vote against the bill.

Spokesman James Davis says the current proposal doesn’t do enough to repeal President Barack Obama’s health care law. He says, “We’re going to be there to help these people for taking a principled stand.”

Davis describes the fund as “seven figures” to provide paid ads and other grassroots support in the 2018 election.

The announcement marks the Koch network’s most aggressive move against the Trump-backed health care proposal, which is under attack from the right and left.


7 p.m.

A U.S. Capitol Police spokeswoman says 54 people, many in wheelchairs, were arrested Wednesday in the Capitol Rotunda as the protested the health care bill being considered in the House.

Spokeswoman Eva Malecki says the 41 women and 13 men arrested were charged under District of Columbia law that makes it illegal for someone to obstruct passage through a public building and continue to do so after being instructed by police to cease.

One of the protesters said she is part of ADAPT, an organization that promotes rights for people with disabilities.

The GOP-led bill would limit future federal financing for Medicaid.


3:40 p.m.

Dozens of protesters, many in wheelchairs, have been escorted out of the Capitol Rotunda by police during an apparent protest of the health care bill being considered in the House.

Chanting “Rather go to jail than die without Medicaid,” the protesters were led out individually or in pairs by members of the U.S. Capitol Police.

An agency spokeswoman, Eva Malecki, says arrests were made and additional details will be provided later.

One of the protesters being led out says she is part of ADAPT, an organization that promotes rights for people with disabilities.

One protester is displaying a sign that says “Medicaid = Life 4 Disabled.”

The GOP-led bill would limit future federal financing for Medicaid.


1:35 p.m.

Several members of the conservative House Freedom Caucus say they are standing firm in opposition to the Republican health care bill despite heavy lobbying by President Donald Trump and House Speaker Paul Ryan.

Republican Rep. Mark Meadows of North Carolina told reporters on Wednesday there were not enough votes to pass the bill on Thursday. He said the best thing to do is postpone the vote and rework the bill.

A spokeswoman for the conservative group said on Twitter that there are more than 25 “no” votes and Republican leaders should “start over.”


11:50 a.m.

Republican Rep. Pete Sessions of Texas has opened a House committee hearing saying the health care overhaul that was signed into law seven years ago “has failed the American people.”

Sessions says former President Barack Obama promised that his health overhaul would mean more choice, more competition and lower costs for Americans.

But Sessions says the premiums have increased 25 percent this year on the health exchanges where people shop for coverage and that millions of Americans had to give up health plans they liked.

Sessions serves as chairman of the House Rules Committee, which is determining the conditions under which the House will vote on Republican-led health care legislation Thursday.

Sessions says the Republican bill empowers individuals and families to make their own health care decisions.


11:40 a.m.

President Donald Trump says “we’ll see what happens” if the House bid to repeal and replace Obamacare fails.

Trump was asked Wednesday if he will keep fighting for his House-backed plan if it falls short of the majority.

Trump, who was heading a panel of women in health care with the administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Seema Verma, responded: “we’ll see what happens.”

Trump has increasingly argued that the repeal and replacement of former President Barack Obama’s health care law is a necessary step along the road to other parts of his first-year agenda.

While Republicans have long unified in pushing for repeal of Obamacare, it was not united behind an alternative.


10:50 a.m.

Former Vice President Joe Biden is defending Barack Obama’s Affordable Care Act and insisting it gave millions of Americans “peace of mind.”

Biden joined Democrats for a rally on the steps of the Capitol on Wednesday. He said law, which Obama signed seven years ago, allowed Americans to go to bed at night and not worry what would happen to a loved one if they got sick. He said the Republican bill wouldn’t pass.

Short of the votes, Republican leaders and President Donald Trump are pressing some two dozen conservatives to back the measure, with a vote slated for Thursday.

California Gov. Jerry Brown said the GOP bill would harm millions of Californians.

Brown said, “This is a dangerous bill, it’s written by people who don’t know what the hell they’re talking about.”


9 a.m.

President Donald Trump and House leaders revved up pressure Wednesday on balky conservatives and other Republican lawmakers as crunch time approaches on the party’s health care overhaul bill, a drive GOP leaders concede they can’t afford to lose.

A day before the House planned votes on the measure, Trump and top Republicans continued hunting support for what would be a significant achievement for his young presidency. But underscoring the bill’s uncertain fate, a senior administration official said that 20 to 25 House Republicans remained opposed or undecided. That’s a grave figure since united Democratic opposition means the measure crashes if 22 GOP lawmakers vote “no.”

Trump tweeted: “Big day for health care. Working hard!”

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