- The Washington Times - Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Between Rex Tillerson and now, his wife Renda St. Clair, liberals must be in a complete uproar.

Not only do most Democrats hate Tillerson, because — well, because he’s a Republican, because he’s a successful businessman and because President Donald Trump picked him for secretary of state. But now this — a seeming mission from God approach to his position. Read on.

Tillerson said in an interview wth the Independent Journal Review he met Trump for the first time after the election, when the newly chosen president summoned him to Trump Tower to talk.

There, after talking “about the world,” the news outlet reported, Tillerson said Trump offered him the secretary slot. He said he was stunned.

“I didn’t want this job, I didn’t seek this job,” Tillerson said, explaining how he had intended to retire from four decades with ExxonMobil and head back to his Texas ranch to spend time with his grandchildren.

But his wife stepped in an convinced him otherwise. How?

Well, here’s where the liberals will go nuts.

“My wife told me I’m supposed to do this,” Tillerson said. “[She said] I told you, God’s not through with you.”

Can you hear the collective groans of the left — of the atheist and progressive forces that constantly try to keep all-things-God out of government?

Tillerson, it seems, at least according to the person with probably the most influence in his life, his wife, is on a mission from God to serve the nation as secretary of state.

Well, blessings to him, then. And to his wife and family, as well.

He’ll need it; Tillerson, who turns 65 years old this week, is not exactly a welcome presence among the anti-Trump faction.

His confirmation hearings ended with a 56-43 vote — a partisan, bitter vote.

“The votes against Mr. Tillerson’s confirmation were the most in Senate history for a secretary of state, a reflection of Democratic unease wth President Trump’s early foreign policy pronouncements that threaten to upend a multilateral approach that has guided United States presidents since World War II,” the New York Times wrote, in February.

Oh, well. Guess it’s hard to win against God.

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