- The Washington Times - Tuesday, March 21, 2017

The University of Southern California has set aside a total of $20,000 to help immigrant students, legal and illegal, deal with the mental anguish of President Donald Trump’s border controls.

The pansies.

The money’s coming from the Campus Affairs budget, on the heels of a USC Graduate Student Government go-ahead that passed last month. Initially, the GSG thought they’d only have $11,000 to give to the “marginalized” of the student population — those up in arms about Trump’s executive order banning travel from six terror hot spots to America. The funds were aimed at helping these “marginalized” pay their legal and travel expenses.

But good news from the progressive front. Christopher Lo-Records, director of the GSG, actually found an additional $9,000 in the budget. And that was speedily funneled into the aid for immigrants — hereafter known as the Pansy Fund.

“At a time when the current U.S. administration is targeting marginalized and vulnerable populations, we are doing everything in our power to support those populations,” said GSG’s president, Victoria Montrose, to Campus Reform. “We hope it will allow students to be reimbursed for any costs incurred to them by the first travel ban and to seek the legal help they need.”

You know what’d be a good fund for USC to start, too?

One for all the Christians on campus experiencing anguish over the persecution of their fellow brothers and sisters in Christ from ISIS terrorists. You know — the tens of thousands who’ve had to flee Iraq in recent times? Surely, somebody on the California campus is affected by that reality — has a relative, a friend of a friend who’s been forced to flee. Or, is otherwise upset because of the whole Muslim-head-chopping-of-Christian thang.

Or, how about one for students upset by Islamic terror attacks on American soil — like the one in 2016 at Orlando’s gay nightclub, Pulse, that left 49 dead, committed by avowed ISIS follower Omar Mateen? Surely, there’s a gay population on USC needful of a little R&R money to help escape the mental images of that night of terror?

Just saying’.

But don’t hold your breath.

Again, from Campus Reform: Andrea Avila, a USC student who supports the emergency fund, said it’s a top priority to support the “undocumented” among the population because “being a student is very stressful.”

And “imagine trying to do good in school while thinking that at any point you could be deported,” she added.

Think of the drop in grades.

Think of the harm to mental health.

Yes. It’s very nearly, very almost nearly, as bad as thinking of the breach in America’s borders and what befall the country in terms of terror risks — of terror attacks on innocent citizens. Or, of the breach in borders and the criminal acts that could befall, at the hands of illegals against — again — innocent Americans.

Very nearly — very almost nearly. But not quite. Much worse is the plight of the sad immigrant, maybe legal, maybe not, hovering in fear of Trump in a USC dorm room, wondering if the free gravy train offered under Barack Obama is coming to a sad, speedy end.

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