- The Washington Times - Monday, March 20, 2017

No matter what your opinion of President Donald Trump’s first 50 days in office, one thing is for certain: He hasn’t wasted time in trying to deliver on his campaign promises.

He’s tried to secure funding for the southern border wall, stepped up deportations of illegal criminals, increased border and customs agents, defunded sanctuary cities, issued a second travel ban to ensure proper vetting in terrorist prone countries, proposed a budget that scraps the arts and guts the EPA while promotes defense, and is working on an Obamacare repeal and replacement bill that strips Planned Parenthood’s federal funding.

The liberals’ heads are spinning, as they don’t know which initiative to organize their efforts against, and as a result, Mr. Trump’s greatest achievement — his nomination of Judge Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court — has been largely unopposed.

As The Washington Post reported: “Some liberal groups, particularly Planned Parenthood and NARAL Pro-Choice America, have access to millions of supporters. They delivered a petition to the Judiciary Committee with 1 million signatures last week in opposition to Judge Gorsuch.

“But the left — or the ’Resistance’ in Trump-era vernacular — is divided among a wealth of targets since Trump was inaugurated,” The Post wrote. “The emerging health legislation in the House, for instance, contains language eliminating federal funding for Planned Parenthood, forcing that group to keep a key part of its energy focused on that.”

This, is as conservative groups keep a laser-like focus on the high court, blasting pro-Gorsuch television advertisements in seven states that Mr. Trump won handily and have Democratic senators up for re-election in 2018. According to The Post, this spending has gone largely unmatched from the liberals, with conservative groups outspending them by a 20-to-1 margin.

Republicans are hoping there’s at least eight Democrats who support Judge Gorsuch’s nomination so they don’t have to use the so-called nuclear option to get him appointed to the Supreme Court. Judge Gorsuch’s confirmation hearings begin Monday, and the GOP is optimistic.

“Democrats have dug up so little on the supremely qualified Supreme Court nominee that they’ll be huffing and puffing and pretending to body slam the judge around the hearing room,” The Wall Street Journal’s editorial board wrote Monday.

Much of this is because the Democrats simply haven’t concentrated on Judge Gorsuch. Mr. Trump has given them other issues to fight, and in doing so, has cleared the battlefield for Judge Gorsuch’s nomination.

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