- The Washington Times - Thursday, March 16, 2017

Seriously, is there any place climate change cannot go?

In the creative minds of the left, the latest call-out for government intervention for the environment comes from the medical community — the world of doctors and physicians.

Their argument?

“Climate change is about people and their health today in 2017,” said Samantha Ahdoot, a doctor with the Pediatric Associates of Alexandria, whose son, age 9, suffered heat exhaustion and dehydration during a particularly hot day in July 2011, the Huffington Post reported.

So now, of course, we must control the atmosphere.

The fact this push comes as President Donald Trump has taken steps to reel in environmental policy, and curb the whole climate change regulatory atmosphere that stifled America under Barack Obama’s administration, is not coincidental.

In Ahdoot’s words: “That was the experience [my son’s] that first got me thinking about how our summers are getting hot and what does that mean for children, their health and their safety.”

But it wasn’t until now — until Trump took office — that Ahdoot felt the need to do anything about it. It wasn’t until just this week Ahdoot and tens of thousands of others in the medical community joined a new group, the Consortium on Climate & Health.

The brilliance of tying radical environmentalism to children’s health is this: Not only will critics be forced to fight off accusations about hating the Earth. But they’ll also be put in the uncomfortable spot of explaining why oh why they hate the children.

It’s the ultimate for-the-good-of-the-children argument, a real shoe-in for the Nanny State Ribbon of the year.

It’ll be hard to pick which chest to pin, though. More than 434,000 doctors — or, more than half the physicians in the entire country — signed their names to the dotted line of this newly formed CC&H, to warn the unaware in America that temperatures can sometimes turn hot, particularly in the summer months, and strangely enough, dehydration can occur. And when you work that problem to its logical solution, the CC&H finds: The world needs to clamp down on climate change.

Indeed. And there’s more.

The CC&H includes about a dozen different medical outlets — top medical outfits, managed and staffed by the best and brightest of the health community — that have assembled reports and studies, charts and graphs, and assorted other Pieces of Evidence that show how weather patterns affect plant growth, and in turn, allergies and asthma rates. And once again, try as they might, the only solution that comes is this: America must, must, must invest in renewable energy programs and must, must, must cut greenhouse gas emissions.

The fate of asthma sufferers everywhere depends on it, the group warns.

But does it — does it, really?

Climate change alarmists have been trying every which way to get Americans on board with strict greenhouse gas emission controls, selling the idea that polar bears will die, glaciers will melt and flood the world, plant growth will suffer in dry, hot conditions and therefore, people will starve. My particular favorite was when alarmists drew a link between hot weather and war — that intense heat made people cranky so they fought, and that dry conditions stifled food growth and that made people fear hunger so they fought.

Another good one?

When John Kerry, during confirmation hearings for secretary of state in 2013, called climate change the ultimate threat to humanity and vowed to use his Cabinet position to fight for new environmental policy.

But this — this exploitation of a child who failed to drink enough water — this just takes the cake.

“Physicians are really trying to speak out about their own observations and let everyone know it isn’t just climate scientists,” said Mona Sarfaty, director of this new CC&H group and a professor at George Mason University, to HuffPo. “Physicians, who have a closer relationship with the public than scientists, generally, are seeing this and they feel concerned and feel a responsibility to speak directly to the American public.”

So instead of telling the American public to drink water, to dress in layers and to avoid the hottest parts of the day by seeking air conditioned facilities, the new medical mantra is this: Tell Trump he better not cut back on climate change policy. Or else what?

Or children will die.

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