- The Washington Times - Thursday, June 8, 2017

David Brock, leftists extraordinaire and one of Hillary Clinton’s biggest fans, said the left’s summer of “resistance” against all-things-President Donald Trump, all-things-Republican, is moving along with great success, and the Democrats need to stand strong and keep up the opposition.

Except the example he cited was a bit misplaced. It actually shows how the “resistance” movement is floundering and failing.

Anyhow, potatoes-potahtoes, right? Brock made the remarks in an op-ed for USA Today, pointing to the appointment of special counsel Robert Mueller, a former FBI director, as the proof.

“[It] took months of mounting pressure and persistence from Democrats to build public support for action while Republicans in Congress refused to even entertain the idea — let alone act,” the Media Matters chief wrote. “Only then did the Justice Department and others in the Republican Party come face to face with the reality that the status quo was not sustainable — only then did they move. The takeaway is clear: The resistance is working, and we cannot let up.”

This is rather an odd assessment of the “resistance” movement championed by everyone from House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi to the minions at the Democratic National Committee. Why?

Because Democrats just lost one of their biggest “resistance” talking points — that Trump fired James Comey because he knew the then-FBI director was investigating him.

Except, as Comey’s pre-released statement to Congress indicated: Trump wasn’t being investigated.

This is how the left resists — by spin, by deception, by distraction, by fabrication and by the media’s complicity and cooperation.

And this is what the Democratic Party has become: An opposition movement.

The party no longer stands for anything. Its whole reason for being is to stand against Republicans.

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