- The Washington Times - Wednesday, June 7, 2017

The hits for Reality Winner just keep on coming. Who let this woman in the NSA gate?

The 25-year-old woman, accused of leaking top-secret information and facing a lengthy prison sentence, not only hates President Donald Trump, as her social media pages show. But she also seems to harbor a hatred — self-hatred, given her own skin tone — of white people. And boy, does she love Iran.

The proof of all this seems to be in the Twitter pudding.

“@kanyewest,” Winner tweeted in February, Breitbart found, “you should make a shirt that says, ’being white is terrorism.’ “

Add that to the list of WTFreaks that seem to mark her social media pages. Her Twitter and Facebook accounts — the former, under the name Sara Winners — are filled with anti-Trumpisms.

“@POTUS #racism that is all,” she tweeted in February.

“@realDonaldTrump the most dangerous entry to this country was the orange fascist we let into the white house,” she tweeted that same month.

And her Instagram account wasn’t much tamer toward Trump.

Meanwhile, as The New York Times noted, her Twitter feed also included a message that seemed sympathetic to Iran’s foreign minister. The pertinent message read: “There are many Americans protesting US govt aggression towards Iran. If our Tangerine in Chief declares war, we stand with you!”

Holy cow. That’s disturbing, wouldn’t you say? A wolf among the NSA sheep.

Winner currently is being held in a facility in Georgia.

The former National Security Agency contractor stands accused of printing out top secret documents from the government facility and mailing them to the leftist media outlet, the Intercept. The documents dealt with Russia’s hacking of the U.S. election in 2016. The FBI said Winner has confessed. And she’s very likely headed for a long prison sentence, of 10 years or so.

But here’s a question her social media postings just seem to beg for answer: How many more seeming haters of America are working the halls of NSA facilities at this moment?

It’s a bit uncomfortable to think of how many more Winners might be out there, roaming the offices of NSA, accessing top-secret documents and information, printing out papers and files — and using them to score political points. Or worse.

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