- The Washington Times - Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Joe Scarborough just can’t help himself when it comes to criticizing President Donald Trump.

On his most recent show, the former Republican congressman suggested Trump was deranged, and that Congress ought to consider removing him — an apparent hat tip to the long-running Democratic Party’s call to impeach.

Say it isn’t so, Joe. Are you really tossing in with the Maxine Waters of the Democratic world?

“If any CEO of a Fortune 500 company was behaving this way,” Scarborough said, “he or she would be removed immediately.”

His remarks came as Trump said during a Rose Garden speech that “our tax bill is moving along in Congress, and I believe it’s doing very well.”

The anti-Trumpers were quick to jump on the fact that Trump’s claim was somewhat misleading, in that Congress wasn’t actually debating and discussing any actual piece of legislation — because no actual piece of tax reform legislation had yet been written.

The pro-Trumpers, on the other hand, shoulder-shrugged all the criticism, knowing that Trump, being Trump, was referring more to the general outline he wanted Congress to consider — the proposal he previously presented to the American public that marked what he said were to be some “of the biggest tax cuts in American history,” as CNN Money reported.

Either way, the Trump remark was a political misstep.

But of “can the man” caliber?


“If [a CEO] went out and said, ’Hey, we have a new product line coming out tomorrow, let me tell you about it, it’s going to be the greatest product line you’ve ever seen,’ and there is no product — and I’m being dead serious here — they would take him out,” Scarborough said, Raw Story reported. “He would have psychiatric evaluations and he would no longer be the CEO there.”

Well, Joe — and I’m being dead serious here — can you say concept car?


Either way, calling for psychotherapy for Trump is a bit on the ridiculous side.

“He doesn’t know what’s best for him at this point,” Scarborough said. “What he’s doing is hurting his interests, hurting his political interests, hurting his political standing, hurting his White House and hurting his administration.”

So let me get this straight: Trump is basically killing off his own White House career — and anti-Trumpers, instead of cheering, are condemning?

But Trump’s the one who needs psychotherapy?

Yeah … better check that. Those who get what they want, and then complain about it, seem more in step with the loony line than those who simply act as they normally do — regardless of how loony their behaviors might seem to the outside world.

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