- The Washington Times - Friday, June 30, 2017

Scarcely had President Donald Trump’s softened, revised travel ban affecting six terror hot spot nations gone into effect, and the leftists in the legal world were already filing their challenges.

First up — Hawaii. But one has to wonder: What is it truly about the mental state of the Democratic Party that makes its members so blind to border breaches of security?

The left is seriously insane on the borders. It must be.

Even common-sense measures like Trump’s temporary travel ban — one that simply allows intel and immigration authorities the necessary time to vet who’s coming, who’s trying to come and more importantly, who shouldn’t come — are fodder for fight.

Is the left that unaware to the realities of terror cells and ISIS that it can’t fathom the idea not all who seek to come to America do so for America’s benefit?

That some people in the world truly want to harm Americans?

Liberals’ total and utter dig-down against even the most minute of border protections showcases them as either ignorant or hate-filled — ignorant for not seeing the glaring, blaring truths; hate-filled for despising Trump, conservatives and America so much they’re willing to risk the country for a political win.

Here’s Hawaii, right before the travel moratorium was due to take effect: “Less than an hour before the ban was slated to begin, an emergency motion was filed in federal court by the state of Hawaii, which contests the Trump administration’s plan to exclude certain categories of foreign nationals that the state believes are allowed to enter the country under existing court rulings,” CNN reported.

Specifically, Hawaii’s legal minds are alleging even Trump’s watered version of his original travel ban against Iran, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Sudan and Somalia is too intrusive, too burdensome and unconstitutional. But all Trump’s new version does is make those who want to come to America prove their familial relations are what’s motivating them to come — that they have a parent, spouse, fiancee, child, son-in-law, daughter-in-law or sibling already in-country.

That’s pretty generous — particularly since the travel bans are only in effect for 90 days from these six countries, and 120 days for those seeking refugee status from anywhere in the world.

But to the left, these temporary stop-gap measures are unreasonable.

Well, it’s that opposition that’s unreasonable. It’s certainly not unreasonable to want to protect one’s home country from terrorists. And these nations aren’t exactly on top of vetting whom they send or allow to leave. It’s not exactly as if embassies in Iran, say, have up-to-date information about the backgrounds of all those exiting, stage right, for America.

No, the bulk of vetting is left in America’s hands. And thanks to the open door from Barack Obama, the application-to-enter pile is pretty big.

Giving America’s authorities some extra time to catch up with the vetting is certainly a rational border policy.

Sadly, to Democrats, even three months is too long for noncitizens to wait. It’s a view that’s putting our nation at risk. What’s most baffling, however, is why the left can’t understand that destroying America’s borders will destroy America — and that means even those homes occupied by the left will be part and parcel of the destruction. Are liberals-slash-progressives that insane that they would happily march toward their own self-destruction? Apparently.

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