- Thursday, June 29, 2017

As America is threatened in many parts of the world and increasingly at risk, President Donald Trump’s and Congress’ priorities this summer must include rebuilding our military and restoring respect from our friends and fear in our enemies. America must reverse President Obama’s and the Democrats’ claims that climate change is the greatest threat to our national security. All foreign aid for enemies, including Iran and Cuba, must be reversed. Ending the Cuban embargo without concessions and allowing Cuba to wage a proxy war in Venezuela has to be evaluated further.

Mr. Trump needs help from Congress to undo the damage Mr. Obama caused with his attempts to dismantle national defense. In the collective mind of the liberal bureaucracy, the United States must be politically correct and run by a big government to make up for 200-plus years of imperialism, racism and war crimes. Many of Mr. Obama’s followers are sore losers, waging political war to restore Mr. Obama’s policies and finish what he started.

Mr. Obama’s betrayal of his oath of office as our commander in chief included allowing the expanding Russian military to violate our land, seas and skies. Mr. Obama allowed Russia to invade Ukraine, Crimea and now Syria. He allowed the equally aggressive Communist Chinese military to claim control of Pacific sea lanes and fortify disputed islands. He neglected to fight the Islamic State, radical Islam and the Muslim Brotherhood. He surrendered much of our sovereignty to the United Nations, throwing open our borders to illegal aliens, drug dealers and terrorists, and let Mexico keep a U.S. Marine imprisoned for months. He released many terrorists from Guantanamo Bay, allowing them to return to the battlefields. He slashed our Army and Navy, stretching our military dangerously thin for future conflicts. Lastly, he let our vital nuclear arsenal shrink and decay to dangerous levels.

It is critical to support our president and Congress to save America and make it great again.


U.S. Marine Corps (retired)


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