- Associated Press - Wednesday, June 28, 2017

MADISON, Wis. (AP) - Wisconsin voters’ views of President Donald Trump are getting worse, while Gov. Scott Walker’s approval ratings are the highest they’ve been in nearly three years, a poll released Wednesday showed.

The Marquette University Law School poll revealed how voters feel about Trump six months into his term, Walker as he prepares for an expected re-election run, and the ongoing negotiations in the Legislature over the state budget and spending priorities.

Trump’s approval rating remained at 41 percent in the latest poll, which was where it was in March. Those who disapproved of the job he’s doing increased, though, from 47 percent to 51 percent. The poll showed a stark partisan split over Trump’s job performance, with 85 percent of Republicans approving of how the president is doing and 95 percent of Democrats disapproving.

Additionally, 61 percent of respondents said they do not think Trump shows good judgment, while 34 percent said he did. A majority, 59 percent, said they don’t think Trump is honest, while 35 percent said he is.

Trump won Wisconsin by less than 1 percentage point, making him the first Republican presidential candidate to carry the state since 1984.

Walker, who is up for re-election in November 2018, had a 48 percent approval rating, which was his highest since October 2014 and better than the 45 percent approval he had in March. He had a matching disapproval rating of 48 percent in the latest poll.

The poll was taken as Walker has been traveling to public schools around the state, touting his state budget proposal that would spend $649 million more on K-12 education. But Republicans who control the Legislature have been unable to reach a deal on the spending plan, primarily over a disagreement over how to pay for road construction and repair.

The poll found that K-12 schools, health care and roads were the three highest state budget funding priorities among respondents.

Of those who named K-12 schools as their priority, 75 percent said they’d be willing to pay more in taxes. Of those who named health, 59 percent said they’d pay more in taxes.

But for those who named roads, only 46 percent said they’d pay more in taxes.

Assembly Speaker Robin Vos, who has been pushing for higher taxes or fees as part of a road-funding solution, said the numbers back up his argument against additional borrowing.

“It’s not an overwhelming issue but if you look at most public polling, the number one thing they don’t want to do is borrow and spend,” Vos said.

The poll surveyed 800 registered voters between June 22 and Sunday and had a margin of error of plus or minus 4.5 percentage points.

Other poll findings:

- 54 percent favored keeping the current health care law and improving it, while 6 percent want to keep it as is with no changes. Only 7 percent say the law should be repealed outright, while 27 percent say it should be repealed and replaced.

- 49 percent said they disapproved of Trump’s firing of former FBI Director James Comey, while 39 percent said they supported it. Eleven percent had no opinion on the matter.

- 39 percent had a favorable view of Republican Sen. Ron Johnson, while 32 percent had an unfavorable one. Democratic Sen. Tammy Baldwin, who is up for re-election next year, had a 38 percent favorable rating and a matching unfavorable rating, with 23 percent having no opinion.

- Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan had 44 percent in favor and 44 percent against.


Associated Press writer Todd Richmond contributed to this report.


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