- Monday, June 26, 2017

This week, the Trump administration is hosting “Energy Week” to discuss with state, tribal, business and labor leaders how we can pave the path forward toward U.S. energy dominance.

This is a truly amazing moment in the energy sector, and President Trump is seeking to capitalize on the opportunity for the betterment of the American economy and our citizens. For the first time in four decades, the energy story in the United States is about becoming an energy exporter and no longer about peak resources or being beholden to foreign powers.

Mr. Trump wants America to utilize our abundant domestic energy resources and technological innovations for good, both at home and abroad. An energy-dominant America means a self-reliant and secure nation, free from the geopolitical turmoil of other nations that seek to use energy as an economic weapon.

An energy-dominant America will export to markets around the world, increasing our global leadership and influence. Becoming energy dominant means that we are getting government out of the way so that we can share our energy wealth with developing nations. For years, Washington stood in the way of our energy dominance. That changes now.

The United States has been a net energy importer since 1953, but thanks to innovation and technological advancement, we are on the brink of changing this. For example, by 2018 the United States is expected to be a net exporter of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG). American companies can, and already have, exported U.S. LNG to our international trading partners in Europe and Asia. This includes China, where bilateral energy trade was an important element of President Trump and President Xi Jinping’s 100-Day Action Plan. We hope to build on that dialogue with other allies around the world who are seeking to buy American LNG.

The United States is blessed with an abundance of natural resources, and energy technology and services. We are a world leader in nuclear and renewable technology. We can use this to our economic advantage for the betterment of American families, workers and manufacturers. Tapping into our full energy potential in this country will lead to robust job growth and expansion in every sector of our economy. From retail to manufacturing, we can bring jobs back to America, while continuing to improve our environment with cleaner fuels and technologies.

There have already been many energy successes since Mr. Trump took office. From authorizing the stalled Dakota Access and Keystone XL pipelines, to reviewing the Clean Power Plan that threatens 125,000 U.S. jobs, we are ending the bureaucratic blockade that has hindered American energy creation. We have also authorized LNG export permits and ended the war on coal by expunging the coal-leasing moratorium on new leases for coal mining on federal lands. Our energy resources, especially those on public lands, have been locked up far too long, preventing the energy economy America to flourish. We are now looking to help, not hinder energy producers and job creators. These collective actions are just the beginning of our America First energy strategy that has us well on our way toward energy dominance. America is open for business and the war on American energy is over.

This week we will also reaffirm our commitment to clean energy because we believe that the previous administration created a false choice between jobs and the environment. The president will hear from tribal, state and local leaders with deep, vested interests in achieving both the job and economic growth associated with greater energy production, while avoiding the costs of irresponsible environmental stewardship. The binary choice between being pro-economy and pro-environment that was perpetuated by the Obama administration set up a false argument. We can do good for both, and we will.

It is important to note that the United States already leads the world in lowering emissions. We have seen the fruits of clean technology like carbon capture, utilization and storage in the United States. For example, the Petra Nova facility in Texas uses a process to remove 90 percent of the carbon dioxide after coal is burned to generate energy in a clean way and then uses the captured carbon dioxide for enhanced oil recovery. Innovative technology like this is what will clean up the environment, not bad deals for the American people like the Paris Agreement. We will build on that success. Instead of preaching about clean energy, this administration will act on it.

We believe no clean energy portfolio is truly complete without nuclear power. If you want to see the environment and the climate that we live in affected in a positive way, you must include nuclear energy with its zero emissions in your portfolio. Do it safe, do it thoughtfully, and do it economically. Under U.S. leadership, the world can do that. This administration believes that nuclear energy development will be a game changer and important player in the development of our clean energy portfolio globally.

The implications of becoming energy dominant are profound. Under President Trump’s leadership, we will continue to advocate for a broad “all of the above” energy portfolio to allow the United States to achieve energy independence, dramatically reduce our trade deficits, and create jobs beyond the 6.4 million Americans currently employed in the sector.

We look forward to hearing from Americans this week about how we can best move forward to reduce unnecessary government regulation and bureaucracy to promote jobs and economic growth in the energy sector. For years they have been overregulated by Washingtonians who believed they knew best. The lecturing is over, now it is time to listen to those who are delivering on real outcomes.

• Rick Perry is secretary of the Energy Department. Ryan Zinke is secretary of the Interior Department. Scott Pruitt is administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency.

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