- The Washington Times - Monday, June 26, 2017

It’s like Occupy Wall Street versus the tea party all over again.

Democrats can have their “Resistance Summer.” Republicans, and specifically, President Donald Trump supporting Republicans, have their “Rally for Peace.”

And the differences between the two partisan campaigns are as stark as the ones between Occupy and the tea party.

Take a look.

Whereas the largely left-leaning Occupy movement was marked by angry rhetoric, destroyed properties, criminal behaviors, trespassing and mass littering, the tea party rallies went forth almost entirely peaceably, pure American examples of First Amendment political dissent organized by people who even cleaned up their own trash.

So what’s the left been up to nowadays?

Protesting in the streets and on campuses across the country, destroying properties, lighting fires, clashing with police, spewing angry and hate-filled rhetoric and engaging in other criminal behaviors — all as part and parcel of the Democratic Party’s organized resistance movement to remove Trump from office, by pretty much whatever means possible.

So the right’s come up with its own counterpunch.

And it’s called a “Rally for Peace.”

Go figure.

The Trump supporters-slash-ralliers-for-peace gathered at the White House on Sunday to call out those on the left in the field of journalism who’ve been busying themselves inciting partisan hatred.

You know — the kind of hatred that fed into the shooting attack on Republicans practicing at a baseball park in Alexandria, Virginia, just a few days ago.

One of the even organizers, Mike Cernovich, a best-selling author and documentary filmmaker, offered $1 million to charity if Sam Harris, an author who has adopted a fierce oppositional view to organized religion, would debate him — and Keith Olbermann would debate Alex Jones.

Harris and Olbermann didn’t respond.

But that’s not the point, anyway.

The point is that Americans are getting fed up with the violence in the streets, the angry calls to impeach Trump, the distractions from the media meant to inflame hatred of this administration, and the all-out attack on rational public discourse that’s come almost entirely from the left. And now? Conservative, traditional, patriotic and level-minded Americans fighting violence with peace — conquering insanity with sensibility. And as everybody knows, it’s the right, not necessarily might, that always and eventually prevails.

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