- The Washington Times - Monday, June 26, 2017

So LGBT pride marchers this past weekend were supposed to be marching for equal rights and tolerance and acceptance — all the things the left loves to spout as core human rights, and to claim as antithetical to what conservatives represent.

But if that’s true, if tolerance is thy LGBTers’ middle name, why were Jewish women attending the pride fest told to leave?

Seems a bit — intolerant, shall we say?

In Chicago, at the annual 21st Chicago Dyke March, a handful of women told the local LGBT newspaper, the Windy City Times, they were asked to leave because the Star of David they had affixed to their rainbow banners seemed threatening.

Specifically, the Jewish women were told their flags “made people feel unsafe,” the news outlet reported.

The march organizers — after making clear they’re separate from Chicago’s Pride Parade — took to Twitter to defend their decision to boot the Jews, by saying: “During the rally, we saw three individuals carrying Israeli flags super imposed on rainbow flags. Some folks say they are Jewish Pride flags. But as a Collective, we are very much pro-Palestine, and when we see these flags we know a lot of folks who are under attack by Israel see the visuals of the flag as a threat, so we don’t want anything in the [Dyke March] space that can inadvertently or advertently express Zionism. So we asked the folks to please leave. We told them people in the space were feeling threatened.”

One of the Jewish women who was asked to leave, Laurie Grauer, told the local LGBT newspaper that she’s marched in gay pride parades in the past without problem. She also said that she actually supports the two-state solution — and that “it’s hard to swallow the idea of inclusion when you are excluding people from that.”

Bingo. Could you imagine a Christian pride parade-goer asking an individual carrying a rainbow flag to leave — and the mass leftist outcry that would ensue?

But this is how the left operates, via selective tolerance and inclusion.

U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley said she and her son were heckled as they left a restaurant in New York City by Gay Pride Parade-goers who happened to be in the street at the time.

She tweeted: “We, incl my son, were booed by patrons saying hateful things as we left lunch @Pride Parade. Our country is better than this.”

Apparently — not.

Much of the pride paraders in cities around the nation took advantage of the gatherings to denounce all things President Donald Trump.

From a Reuters report: “A group of marchers heading down New York’s Fifth Avenue carried photographs of U.S. President Donald Trump and his press secretary, Sean Spicer, as others waved banners bearing the word “RESIST’ and the rainbow flag of the Pride movement.”

Resist what, exactly — the way Trump fights radical Islamic terror, and the Islam belief that homosexuals ought to be thrown off rooftops or otherwise murdered for their sexual choices?

That’s the problem with the left: Their protests, very often, don’t make sense.

Tolerance is selective, inclusivity is exclusivity, and those who only want to help, seen as the enemies.The LGBT marches are just more evidence of this leftist insanity.

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