- The Washington Times - Monday, June 26, 2017

Eric Trump called the head of the Democratic National Committee, Tom Perez, a “nut job” on national television.

This came on the heels of him saying, earlier this month, that the Democratic Party is in midst of “imploding” — and he’s right on both counts.

Perez’s main claim to fame right now is that he’s overseeing the Democratic Party’s summer of resistance against President Donald Trump — a movement that simply calls for mass opposition to the White House at the grassroots level, and seeks interested young anarchists and anarchist wanna-bes to get in the game and get on board. It even offers them training to be the best oppositional team member they can be.

And it’s such oppositional calls that have led the Democrats down the path of party violence, becoming now known more for the fires its members start, and the clashes its members have with police and pro-Trumpers than for any more civil minded causes, like — oh, I don’t know — civil rights, for example.

That’s the dynasty Perez is building.

That’s the path that’s leading the Democrats to implode.

“The DNC is half defunct,” he said, to Fox “Sunday’s Morning Futures” host Maria Bartiromo. “They’ve got no money in the bank. They have no operation. You look at the head of the DNC — he’s quite frankly a nut job. All they’re doing is obstructing and it’s clearly not working because every race that comes along, every special election that comes along, my father is winning.”

In a recent interview with Sean Hannity, also of Fox News, Trump said similarly, calling Perez a “total whack job” who was an “obstructionist” without a clear vision and party message.

And he went on in that same interview to say the whole party was crumbling from within.

“You see the Democratic Party, they’re imploding,” he said then. “They’re imploding. They became obstructionists because they have no message of their own.”

It doesn’t get any truer than that.

Seriously — when’s the last time you heard a Democrat announcing an idea, a vision, a legislative goal, an agenda and so forth, that didn’t involve resisting the Republicans, or opposing Trump?

For Democrats, all they have to offer is a fight against Republicans. And while that may appeal to the base, to the zealot-minded of the left, it’s not a long term strategy to win party seats.

Resistance and opposition are bound to fizzle at some point. The Democrats’ problem is they’re not offering anything to fill the void that will come when their fight is subdued.

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