- The Washington Times - Thursday, June 22, 2017

Meghan McCain took to Twitter to unleash a barrage of attacks against Dinesh D’Souza, all aimed at defending her famous dad, Sen. John McCain, from criticisms from the right.

But the big question is: Why? D’Souza was only saying what pretty near everybody says about the Arizona senator — that he’s a Republican In Name Only.

Here’s the backstory: D’Souza wrote a Twitter message that hailed back to McCain’s five-year capture during Vietnam — but with a modern political twist.

“McCain’s captivity by leftist thugs in Vietnam was involuntary — his captivity by leftist thugs in the media today is, alas, voluntary,” D’Souza wrote, as Mediaite noted.

And, it should be added, wrote most aptly. McCain has been out and about these past few months, attacking President Trump, criticizing the current administration and comparing it unfavorably to the Barack Obama White House, and basically doing the bidding of the Democratic Party and mainstream media to attack all things conservative.

He’s taking his RINO roots to a level never before seen.

But daughter McCain, who also works as a co-host on “Outnumbered” on Fox News, doesn’t agree. And she took especial umbrage with D’Souza’s call-out of her father’s capture — something that Trump face-slapped, too, during the campaign.

“Every moron who has never served in the military a day in their life wants to compare everything to my father being tortured,” she tweeted, adding in a link to D’Souza’s own tweet.

She then wrote in a separate message, again with a link to D’Souza’s: “Do you ever think about what our POWs went through when you throw this rhetoric around?”

And again, also with the D’Souza link: “Why is it so difficult to criticize my father without somehow comparing it to a time when he was tortured. My family is sick of this.”

Then came the counter-punch.

McCain tweeted to D’Souza: “Is the fact that you’re a felon voluntary or involuntary? Just want to alas, double check.”

Ouch. That’s a commentary on D’Souza’s guilty plea for using straw donors to make illegal campaign contributions to Republican Wendy Long, and accompanying $30,000 fine. D’Souza was sentenced to five years of probation, along with eight months in a community confinement facility — but no jail.

Fair enough. Tit for tat. Shouldn’t fire darts if you can’t field them. Right?

But facts are also facts. McCain is a Democrat in disguise. McCain has been on a full-court press to take down Trump, whom he obviously can’t stand and with whom he openly politically disagrees. And McCain is more often than not the go-to spokesman of the Republican Party when the left-leaning media wants to act like it’s presenting a fair and balanced report — but wants a GOPer who’ll side with the Democrats.

And moreover, I’m a veteran — so by Meghan McCain’s own scale, I’m allowed to say all this.

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