- The Washington Times - Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Filmmaker Michael Moore lashed out Wednesday at the media for not similarly describing Flint-airport terror suspect Amor Ftouhi and Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder.

Bishop International Airport in Flint, Michigan, was evacuated Wednesday after police officer Lt. Jeff Neville was stabbed in the neck.

Mr. Ftouhi, a 50-year-old Canadian, was arrested in the attack, during which he reportedly screamed “Allahu Akbar,” the Arabic war cry of Islamist terrorists.

Mr. Moore told nearly 5 million fans on Twitter that such actions are comparable to Flint’s 2015 public health crisis involving water with lead levels above the federal government’s 15 parts per billion (ppb) threshold.

“Any media calling Flint airport stabbing an ’act of terror’ when you’ve NEVER referred 2 the Governor poisoning ppl of Flint as terrorism: FU,” Mr. Moore wrote.

Readers seemed befuddled as to how the leftwing filmmaker could make a moral equivalence between unintentional public policy failures that cut across local, state, and federal levels, and across both parties, with an explicit act of terrorism.

“Come on, Michael. You can do better than that,” wrote one reader.

“Negligence and corruption is not terror. Don’t equate them,” added another.

Officials in Michigan said Lt. Neville is expected to make a full recovery after having been stabbed with a 12-inch knife with an 8-inch serrated blade.

“We believe this to be an isolated incident,” the FBI said, ABC News reported though law-enforcement officials also said it was being investigated as a terrorist case.

Mr. Ftouhi faces charges of committing an act of violence at an airport and could receive 20 years in prison if convicted.

• Douglas Ernst can be reached at dernst@washingtontimes.com.

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