- The Washington Times - Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Democratic candidate Jon Ossoff expressed disgust over an attack ad against him featuring wounded House Majority Whip Steve Scalise on Election Day in Georgia.

“What can you even say? The man is fighting for his life. It’s got no place in a political attack ad. This is exactly what Americans are sick and tired of,” Mr. Ossoff said on CNN.

Mr. Ossoff is running in the highly competitive seat in Georgia’s 6th Congressional District against Republican Karen Handel. The race has been seen as a referendum on President Trump’s tenure in office so far, and has already made history as the most expensive House contest ever.

But the Democratic candidate said he and his team are focused on the local consequences of this race despite the national attention.

“The contrast is between a career politician, my opponent Karen Handel, who is notorious for cutting off funding for life-saving breast cancer screenings at Planned Parenthood, or a fresh voice who wants to work across the aisle to get things done, grow out local economy, and work to make our health care more accessible and affordable for folks with pre-existing conditions,” he said.

Mr. Ossoff did acknowledge the large sums of out-of-state money, but emphasized the large amounts of small dollar donations given to his campaign.

“Out-of-state money has poured in on both sides. It’s become a bit of an arms race. I’m proud that my campaign is powered by small dollar grass-roots fundraising with an average contribution of less than $50, while my opponent’s campaign has been bailed out by the same old special interest super PACs, peddling deception, fear mongering, and hate for months now,” he said.

Tuesday is Election Day in the Georgia race to fill the seat left vacant by former Rep. Tom Price who currently serves as head of the Department of Health and Human Services.

• Sally Persons can be reached at spersons@washingtontimes.com.

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