- The Washington Times - Friday, June 2, 2017

Americans for Prosperity is rolling out a six-figure digital ad campaign on Friday designed to spur on House Republicans to get moving on tax reform and rally around the conservative grassroots group’s principles for an overhaul.

The campaign, which includes banner and display spots, as well as Facebook and Twitter ads, plans to highlight dozens of GOP lawmakers, including House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady.

The ads also target other members of the House’s tax-writing committee like Reps. Peter Roskam, Devin Nunes, Carlos Curbelo, and George Holding, urging viewers to “tell” the individual members to “support AFP’s plan to un-rig the economy!” The ads click through to a petition people can then sign to support the group’s efforts on tax reform.

“We’re determined to make sure tax reform remains a top priority for the House of Representatives,” said Americans for Prosperity President Tim Phillips. “Broad, pro-growth tax reform is possible this year if these members can rally around a set of fundamental principles, to make the tax code fairer and simpler without new burdens on the taxpayer.”

Americans for Prosperity, which is part of the Koch brothers’ political network, has called for lower rates, fewer tax brackets, and eliminating “special interest” credits and deductions.

“We’ll continue to invest and to mobilize our grassroots infrastructure to show lawmakers the support that’s out there for these principles,” Mr. Phillips said. “There’s incredible appetite among the grassroots and the public to get Washington to un-rig the economy.”

AFP has also been vocally opposed to the trillion-dollar “border adjustment” tax on imports that’s a key plank of the House GOP’s tax reform blueprint.

The influential pro-free market group had also been an outspoken opponent of the House GOP’s original Obamacare repeal bill, helping steel conservative resolve to doom the original version.

Mr. Phillips said recently he hopes the Senate moves relatively quickly on health care and doesn’t ax the changes conservatives won in the revised House version that ultimately passed.

The group, along with Freedom Partners — another Koch-affiliated organization — had previously announced the launch of a multi-million dollar campaign to advocate for the groups’ tax reform agenda.

• David Sherfinski can be reached at dsherfinski@washingtontimes.com.

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