- Monday, June 19, 2017

As sad as it was, last week’s deliberate shooting of members of the GOP probably surprised few people. The Republican Party in particular decries the failings of one federal agency and its employees after another. Yet almost every day the GOP and Democrats alike throw at each other the politics of immature obstruction, insults and finger-pointing. Either party passing a bill but not getting it to the president’s desk is not success, it is legislative failure.

And last time I looked, our elected officials were are all federal employees, too. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

Yet, despite hardly passing any meaningful legislation through both the House and Senate, barely working six months a year and repeatedly using nation-dividing and people-endangering rhetoric, these men and women are all still employed. Despite that audacious, underwhelming work performance, they enjoy the best pension and health care that our tax dollars can buy them. But they want to cut health care for 23 million taxpayers and their children. That is just mean.

In stark contrast, when we regular folks who pay their wasted salaries underperform like they do, we get fired. When we do something that harms others, we quickly pay the price. But not our Washington elected.

Our elected need to take a long, hard look in the mirror. There are many solid reasons they are the most disliked federal employees in our country year after year.

Sadly, nothing will change on Capitol Hill until they stop beginning each day honestly worried only about themselves and how to destroy their legislative- process partners on the other side of the aisle.



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