- Thursday, June 15, 2017

For too long, questions have been left unanswered. The truth has been concealed from the American people, and it is clearer now than ever before that the truth must be revealed.

Last June, the FBI was almost a year into the criminal investigation of Hillary Clinton and her use of a private email server during her time as Secretary of State. However, after a private meeting occurred on a Phoenix tarmac between former President Bill Clinton and then-Attorney General Lynch on June 29th, the long investigation swiftly wrapped up.

July 1st: Ms. Lynch stated that she would accept the recommendations of the FBI in the Clinton probe.

July 2nd: Mrs. Clinton was interviewed by the FBI.

July 5th: Mr. Comey described Mrs. Clinton’s actions as “extremely careless,” only shortly before announcing that the FBI would not recommend charges against Mrs. Clinton.

July 6th: Ms. Lynch accepted the recommendations of the FBI and declined to charge Mrs. Clinton.

Coincidence? Maybe. Maybe not. But, isn’t it time that we find out the truth? Isn’t it time we know what really happened on that Phoenix tarmac and whether or not it related back to the FBI’s investigation into Mrs. Clinton?

Remember, former FBI Director James Comey’s testimony last week before the Senate Intelligence Committee raised many unanswered questions about Ms. Lynch when Mr. Comey told the committee that she had asked him to refer to the FBI’s criminal investigation into Mrs. Clinton as a “matter” instead of an “investigation.” The term “matter” was the same term being used at the time by the Clinton campaign.

Lorretta Lynch must testify!

We’re at a point now where we are witnessing bipartisan support to hear from Ms. Lynch under oath. Senator Diane Feinstein (D-CA) expressed her desire to see Ms. Lynch testify in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

“I think we need to know more about that, and there’s only one way to know about it, and that’s to have the judiciary committee take a look at that,” she said.

Echoing the desires of Ms. Feinstein, Senator Lindsey Graham told CBS’s “Face the Nation” that he wants Ms. Lynch and Mr. Comey testify before the judiciary committee.

Clearly, Ms. Lynch is in hotter water than many realize. While attempting, at the very least, to protect the reputation of Mrs. Clinton during the FBI’s criminal investigation, Ms. Lynch may have opened herself up to potential criminal investigation.

Only time will tell where this story will go, but Ms. Lynch’s testimony is sure to be crucial in the unraveling of truth about what really happened last year between Mr. Comey, Ms. Lynch, the Clintons, the Clinton campaign and the FBI’s investigation into Mrs. Clinton’s private server.

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