- Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Almost six out of 10 American voters are angry and dissatisfied with how the media is covering politics, according to a new Quinnipiac poll. Someone has finally united us, and it’s through rejection of the 24/7 media (read liberal) hate-fest of President Trump.

That’s a good sign for the country, but not so much for the business of news or for the Democratic Party. It’s indicators like this that should be considered seriously by the Democrats and their still failing water carriers. Their spoiled, elitist hatred for the president is not translating well for the American people.

As Obamacare continues its collapse and terrorist attacks around the world are an almost daily event, New York’s elite remain rabidly enraged at Mr. Trump. Ironically, he’s the only person so new to the political scene to not have had a hand in any of the governmental schemes currently ruining people’s lives.

Yet, it’s Mr. Trump who apparently should be murdered because, you know, after 144 days he’s a tyrant — or something. According to Rasmussen, consumer confidence is the second-highest it’s been in the index’s history. The market cap of the U.S. stock market has risen more than $3 trillion since Mr. Trump was elected. Small-business confidence has surged to a 12-year high. In May, the unemployment rate hit a 16-year low.

Yeah, for New York limousine liberals that amounts to a tyranny, especially because their political bread-and-butter relies on victimhood. Mr. Trump is threatening the only thing the Democrats have left — suffering.

What’s a panicked gang to do? Much is being made of the New York Public Theater’s play featuring the murder of Mr. Trump. Sure, it’s titled “Julius Caesar,” but we know that’s an inside joke. For those not living in the pretend-world of liberals, the people in charge of the New York Public Theater are using Shakespeare simply as cover for their horrific fantasy, as it’s rather likely their “creative” process first involved wanting to kill the president, then they went scrounging around to find the fitting Shakespeare.

How clever they are, as they no doubt assure themselves.

Drowning in smug, the theater released a statement which, in part read: “Our production of Julius Caesar in no way advocates violence toward anyone. Shakespeare’s play, and our production, make the opposite point: Those who attempt to defend democracy by undemocratic means pay a terrible price and destroy the very thing they are fighting to save.”

How kind of them. Americans appalled at the presentation of the murder of our sitting president are reprimanded by our artistic betters for not understanding Shakespeare, and the message of “Julius Caesar.”

Newsflash for artistes: Context matters. Shakespeare’s intent was based on an historical personage for a reason. When you murder a living president, who is loathed by the very people making the presentation, you lose the right to point back at the original playwright who knew the difference between a historical lesson and contemporary provocation.

This is dangerous for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is the inuring of the public to the idea of violence being committed against the president. After the London Bridge terrorist attack, we were told by various media that Londoners were “getting used to” terrorism.

One man was lauded for keeping his beer with him as he ran from the carnage. The Associated Press headline: “UK hails man who fled attack holding beer an unlikely hero.”

This is what liberals everywhere want. Why? Because it keeps them from having to face the consequences of their actions. They create chaos and then have no solutions for the collapse of civil society, so the goal becomes to make obscene violence and chaos a “normal,” or as former Secretary of State John Kerry wished about terrorism, for it to be considered simply a “nuisance.”

There are many reasons why six out of 10 Americans are angry at the media, defending what the New York Public Theater has done is part of it (“You ignorant fools don’t understand Shakespeare”), but also in purveying fake news. Former FBI Director James B. Comey told us the foundation story in The New York Times claiming Trump campaign “collusion” with Russia was dead wrong. CNN had to retract a story a day before Mr. Comey’s testimony claiming he would deny he told Mr. Trump he wasn’t under investigation. The opposite was true.

During an appearance on Fox News’ “Fox & Friends,” this columnist was on a panel that included a perfectly nice young man who, as a liberal, explained essentially that the president was unable to work because of the “headlines” surrounding his presidency. I responded, noting that “headlines are not reality,” despite the fact that for the years prior to new media and the internet, headlines and people like Walter Cronkite did control what the American people saw and heard. They did control reality.

When liberals lose that, their mask is ripped off as they produce photographs of the president beheaded ISIS-style, or a play featuring his torturous murder night after night.

But Donald Trump is the tyrant. Got it.

• Tammy Bruce, author and Fox News contributor, is a radio talk show host.

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