- Wednesday, June 14, 2017

The malice aforethought and intent evident in former FBI Director James Comey’s Senate testimony last week make it crystal-clear that Mr. Comey was actively working for and planning a soft coup from his very first meeting with President Trump. No other conclusion can be drawn from Mr. Comey’s immediate efforts to interrupt his and the president’s conversations.

More than likely, Mr. Comey initiated his note-taking immediately after meeting with Mr. Trump because he had already determined the necessity of the soft coup, and was acting upon that decision. He kept personally biased, copious notes that have now become the legal elements of the soft coup. He shared these notes with others in an effort to confirm the timeline of their creation and bring aboard in his plan. Mr. Comey also shared some of the contents of his notes with the media, likely to promote his soft-coup efforts.

While Mr. Comey was busy telling the president that he, Mr. Trump, was not under investigation, Mr. Comey was himself investigating Mr. Trump and compiling information. Mr. Comey clearly viewed himself as the judge, jury and executioner in this self-appointed role to ’save’ America from what he saw as a political outlander becoming the leader of the free world. What he actually did was plan and attempt a traitorous soft coup, and even solicited others to participate.

Mr. Comey and his cohorts should be prosecuted for their traitorous conduct. Mr. Comey’s testimony before Congress, under oath, was nothing short of a self-delusional confession. Mr. Trump did the right thing by firing Comey.


Las Vegas

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