- The Washington Times - Wednesday, June 14, 2017

James T. Hodgkinson, the 66-year-old man who was taken into custody by police for the shooting at the Alexandria baseball field where Republicans practiced — and where House Minority Whip Steve Scalise was hit by gunfire and injured — was an Illinois resident who hates President Donald Trump and loves socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders. President Trump said the suspect has since died.

His apparent Facebook page includes a banner of Sanders, as well as a profile picture tied to Democratic Socialism.

His profile picture states: “Democratic Socialism explained in 3 words: ’We the People’ Since 1776.”

And yet — the media, the law enforcement and all the pundits who’ve come forward to discuss this shooting on national television seem ever so stumped about the motivation of this shooter, who happened to fire off 50 or so round at an all-Republican event, after asking a Republican member of Congress if said event was attended by Republicans.

Could it be — just could it? — that the shooter hated Republicans?

After all, Democrats were playing in a field just down the road, at another spot in Alexandria. And after all, a man did indeed ask one Republican member of Congress, Rep. Ron DeSantis, who was leaving the field, if those remaining at the park were Democrats or Republicans — and coincidence of all coincidences, the shooting broke out just three minutes later.

And after all, GOP Rep. Mark Walker of North Carolina did tell NBC News that it seemed “the gunman was there to kill as many Republican members as possible.”

But stumped on the motive, are we?

As Heavy noted, Hodgkinson also wrote in March on social media, “Trump is a Traitor. Trump Has Destroyed Our Democracy. It’s Time to Destroy Trump & Co.”

Hodgkinson campaigned for Sanders in Iowa and wrote in August 2016 on Facebook that he wanted “Bernie to Win the White House.”

But law enforcement has not a clue to his motive.

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