- The Washington Times - Tuesday, June 13, 2017

ISIS terrorists have been on a tear in the Philippines to remove all evidence of Christianity — beginning with the Christians.

And it’s a war that ISIS is likely to win, given the failure of key Philippine politicos to recognize the religious aspects of the attacks.

Catholicism is the predominant religion in the Philippines. So, given the nature of ISIS, the kill-infidel hankering of ISIS, the Islam religious beliefs of ISIS, you’d think it would be obvious that it’s a religious persecution that’s occurring — Islam against Catholics — right? Right.

But nope. But all the liberals go — nahhh.

They’re ostriches with heads in the sand.

The Islamic terror group just recently released some horrific images of five of their captive Christians, hands bound behind their backs, stretched prone on the streets on their stomachs, bullet holes in their heads. Standing above and pointing guns downward, directly at the Christians’ heads, were the masked ISIS gunmen.

Pure propaganda photos, horrific, disgusting.

And along with their release, one jihadist wrote this in the latest issue of Rumiyah: “The soldiers of the Khalifah in East Asia stormed the city of Marawi in the southern Philippines on the island of Mindanao, chased out the local police and the military, and raised the banner of the Islamic State.”

ISIS also crowed that their pictures showcased the death of “belligerent Christians” at pointblank range.

Yet some — those with blinders — still deny religious persecution is occurring.

Here are the facts: Marawi is under siege, and has been for roughly three weeks.

As CNN notes, about 1,000 civilians are trapped within city boundaries while government forces try to fight off Islamic attackers. And the most recent ISIS attack, Sunday, was reportedly ordered by leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

But this is why ISIS is winning — why the terrorists are gaining such a stronghold in a city that’s known for its Christianity: Philippines’ key leaders won’t name the true enemy.

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte, in a speech delivered while visiting his government troops, said the violence was due to the “illegal drugs trade,” CNN reported.

Not religion — not religious persecution by Islamic terrorists against the deemed Christian infidels.


“[This] rebellion was financed by drug money,” Duterte said. “It has nothing to do with religion. I refuse to believe that it is religion that fueled this war.”

If you can’t name your enemy, you can’t fight your enemy.

If you can’t fight your enemy, you can’t win against your enemy.

Make no mistake about it: ISIS is targeting Christians to kill because the Islamic beliefs of ISIS members tells them to kill those of other faiths. It’s not about the drugs. It’s all about the religion.

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