- The Washington Times - Monday, June 12, 2017

Democrat Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand went on a bit of an f-bomb tangent during her recent address before the Personal Democracy Forum, telling the audience those who aren’t “helping people” should go the eff home, saying President Donald Trump has not kept his promises — eff no he hasn’t.

The New York senator is just the latest Democrat-slash-unbalanced-member-of-the-public to sling the f-word to underscore some leftist point or other. In fact, the left’s penchant for publicly cursing out Trump and conservative policy has grown so noticeable and so frequent that their friends in the media have actually gone into overtime to spin cursing as a positive.

Get this — headlines from around the web.

In September 2016, the Huffington Post blasted this headline, citing a study: “Intelligent People Use More Swear Words.”

The story opened with this highly intelligent lead graph: “Holy sh-t!” And from there, it went on to report how researchers at Marist College supposedly found “a big vocabulary of curse words is a sign of higher rhetorical skill, and those that can name the most swear words in one minute tend to have a greater overall vocabulary.”

You know what that means, don’t you?

Joe Biden is a freaking genius.

But not just Joe. All Democrats. It’s the Democrats, after all, who take to the public stage to drop f-bomb after f-bomb, as loud and as noticeably as possible. The more media the better, it seems.

In May, California’s outgoing Democratic Party chairman, John Burton, screamed “F— Donald Trump” during his final address to supporters.

Aerobics instructors in that same state created an entire exercise routine around the chant “F— Mar-a-Lago,” and other such catchy anti-Trump phrases.

Facebook and Twitter both have special pages devoted entirely to the “F— Trump” movement. And there’s actually a website with the f-bomb in its URL that offers anti-Trump gear for sale — T-shirts, signs, caps and so forth.

And the media’s lapping it up.

In November 2016, The Daily Mail wrote: “Is swearing a sign of intelligence? People who curse have a larger vocabulary than those who don’t.”

In January 2016, Medical Daily wrote: “Bad Words: People Who Curse and Swear May Actually Have Higher Verbal Intelligence.”

In December 2015, The Washington Post wrote: “Why it’s a good sign if you curse a lot.”

Will bully to all that. Societal norm used to be that cursing was the sign of the lost argument — the red flag for inferior intellect. At the very least, it indicated frustration, anger or heated emotion.

But now? Now that Democrats are out and about, slinging around the f-word like it’s a taxpayer dollar? Now, suddenly, it’s a sign of intelligence — of superior intellect and verbal skill.

Well freaking-A. On a personal note, who knew all those geniuses in the subway station this past weekend proclaiming loudly their f-ing unhappiness with the f-ing late train, and their dissatisfaction with the f-ing crowded platform and the f-ing hot temperatures were — well, geniuses?

Hmm. Guess Gillibrand’s found her base?

Still, only in a Democrat’s mind.

Only in a Democrat’s world, would such be considered acceptable expressions for public discourse — as part of a public speech. For the rest of us, it’s just poor taste, evidence of weak thinking, and a sign of a frustrated speaker.

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