- The Washington Times - Monday, June 12, 2017

President Donald Trump is being sued by Maryland and the District of Columbia over accusations he violated the Constitution by taking millions of dollars in money and benefits from foreign governments, while occupying his White House perch.

The left just won’t quit, will it? Impeachment has been on the minds of the far left since Trump won, back in November — back before he ever even assumed the high office, never mind committed an impeachable offense.

This is apparently the next step in making that vision a reality.

“The lawsuit,” The Washington Post reported, “the first of its kind brought by government entities, centers on the fact that Trump chose to retain ownership of his company when he became president.”

At the same time, these attorneys general bringing the suit acknowledge that Trump, in January, did indeed shift his businesses into the ownership hands of his sons.

So what’s their beef?

Maryland Attorney General Brian Frosh and D.C. Attorney General Karl Racine — both Democrats, of course — allege Trump hasn’t kept all his business dealings separate from his political dealings. They know this, they said, because Trump’s son, Eric, announced he was going to keep his father apprised of the goings-on of company finances.

And since, they’ve discovered Trump actually has kept ownership of some of global businesses, they allege — accusing the president in the lawsuit of “unprecedented constitutional violations,” the newspaper reported.

Here’s more of what the suit says: “Fundamental to a president’s fidelity to [faithfully execute his oath of office] is the Constitution’s demand that the president … disentangle his private finances from those of domestic and foreign powers. Never before has a president acted with such disregard for this constitutional prescription.”

It’s not clear whether a federal judge is going to allow this case to go forward.

But really, this is a Democratic-fueled ploy to gain access to Trump’s private tax filings — couched in concern for the “right[s] of Marylanders [and] residents of the District of Columbia” and in the right of “all Americans to have honest government,” Frosh said.


If these attorneys general want to concern themselves with the rights of Marylanders, District of Columbia resident and all Americans — and push forward an open and transparent government at the same time — why don’t they check out the curious millionaires’ club that’s called Congress?

Why don’t they follow the money among members of Congress, post-elections, and see how closely tied their sudden skyrockets in personal revenues are to issues, matters, requests — and pieces of legislation — that are presented for their consideration?

Bet there’s something to uncover there.

Bet the rules passed against congressional members engaging in insider-trading type deals aren’t exactly being enforced.

You know there’s a fishy odor in the air when a Democrat starts talking Constitution, starts babbling about law and order and the rights of American citizens — starts going on about government transparency and openness. After all, this was the party of Barack Obama, the president who promised the most open and transparent government ever — and who gave the likes of an attorney general who spied on journalists and tapped into reporters’ phone records.

So beware: Racine said he’s just trying to get to the truth of the matter over a stalling, stonewalling Republican-led Congress.

“We’re getting in here to be the check and balance that it appears Congress is unwilling to be,” he told to The Post.

All right then. Let the inquiry begin. It’s not the first. Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington sued over the same in January; a D.C.-based restaurant sued Trump over essentially the same in March; a handful of Democrats in Congress said just a few days ago they’re going to file a suit of their own in the coming weeks.

But note to left: It’s not like these suits are gaining any Democratic points, outside of the media and the base. Come 2018, and election time, it’s not the suits against Trump that people are going to remember. It’s the hypocrisy of the left to scream law and order and “Constitution!” at the right — while failing to pick out the illegal, immoral and corrupt logs from their own eyes first.

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