- The Washington Times - Thursday, June 1, 2017

Just when you think “covfefe” had fallen from the media cycle — and bam, CNN brings it back, only this time with a politically partisan spin that somehow manages to take a typo and turn it into a failure of leadership.

Want to know why President Donald Trump is unfit to lead? “Covfefe,” according to CNN, in a new piece by editor-at-large Chris Cillizza.

Wow. That’s a heck of a conclusion to make from one little typo. So let’s take a turn on the train Cillizza’s riding.

First, he admits the whole “covfefe” thang has gotten a bit “dumb,” given “we’ve all been there,” the same obvious place Trump was at when he missed his mark spelling “coverage” and “fell asleep and didn’t correct the mistake until he got up in the morning,” he wrote.

But then he digs deeper into the tweet to try and discern the hidden meaning — the secret life of Trump that would lead him to tweet at that burning-the-candle hour in the first place.

“What we have today — and really, what we have had since the day Trump came into the White House — is a deeply isolated president who spends lots of time, particularly at night and in the early morning, watching TV and tweeting,” Cillizza wrote.

And lest you be of the persuasion to retort “so what?” — hold the phone on that.

Cillizza’s got a theory. And a good ’un.

“That lack of discipline,” he says, seeming to equate staying up late and getting up early with an undisciplined mind and lifestyle, “reveals that there is simply no one who can tell Trump ’no.’ Or at least no one whom he will listen to.”

And that, Cillizza waxed, is “important.”

My God, the man’s facing “speculation” that he’s “on the brink of a major staff overhaul,” as Cillizza pointed. Go to bed already!

From there, the CNN piece takes a look at the resignation of Mike Dubke from White House communications, and the notion that no matter how many different staffers join the executive, none will impact how Trump leads.

As if that were a bad thing — as if strong leadership that comes from within and that didn’t bend in the wind of staff opinion was a weakness.

According to Cillizza and CNN: Bingo. It is.

“Trump doesn’t think he needs advice,” Cillizza continues. “Trump’s ongoing Twitter presence is a perfect example of all of this.”

And “covfefe?”

Well the deep dark secret behind that typo, at least to CNN’s way of thinking, is that no matter how many times Trump’s been advised to stay off Twitter, he didn’t, he hasn’t and he won’t, and that makes him a stubborn man.

“Which means more ’covfefes,’” Cillizza wrote. “Maybe many more.”

Well, voila to that. Instead of a typo, “covfefe” has now become in the mind of mainstream media another word for “mistake,” another word for “failure,” another word for “inept.”

Follow the train of mainstream media thought and where it leads is this: Trump’s typed “covfefe,” if you really look at it, shows just why he’s not equipped to be president — why possibly, just possibly, another ought to take his place. Wait for it, wait for it. Another media cycle or two and the circle will be complete. “Covfefe,” in mainstream media’s minds, will soon be reason to impeach.

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