- The Washington Times - Thursday, July 6, 2017

Only white supremacists believe in the Make America Great Again message carried by President Donald Trump — at least, that’s what one University of Kansas professor would have believed, anyway.

Moreover, MAGA peeps aren’t really all that bothered by the deaths and killings of minorities, said Subini Annamma, whose bio lists her as an assistant professor for special education at the School of Education and whose Twitter account describes her as a “Brown Feminist.”

If this is the teaching at America’s places of higher learning — who needs enemies?

Annamma, as Campus Reform noted, made the remarks on her Twitter account in context of discussing the June fatal police shooting of Charleena Lyles, a mentally ill pregnant Seattle woman who pulled a knife on law enforcement.

“The systemic violence that killed Charleena Lyles is the very foundation of the country,” Annamma tweeted.

And then this: “There is no time to return to make America great again, unless you are deeply invested in white supremacy & killing of black & brown people … to secure your own white property through racism, ableism [and] cisheteropatriarch.”

How do these people get hired into the university system?

“This summer heat,” she continued, in another tweet captured by Campus Reform, “implicates us all as we watch black and brown folx [sic] die to preserve white people’s rights to kill with impunity. Our lives will never mean as much as theirs and summer seems to be the time they like to remind us that we do not belong.”

A word to the university administrator wise: Vetting.

Or, two words — background checks.

Googling the name of prospective employees is commonplace nowadays. So, too, are the checks of prospects’ social media accounts — Twitter, Facebook and so forth and so on.

So how do people like Annamma continue to infiltrate our nation’s places of higher learning? Either the vetting’s non-existent — or the university values these hate-filled remarks as diversity and alternative viewpoints.

Sadly, it’s the latter. Professors like Annamma who profess both anger at and fear of our nation, our country’s democratic-republic process, our great constitutional system of law and order, are all too common on today’s college campuses. There was a time when Annamma’s statements would’ve sounded administrators’ alarms, and would’ve brought shame to any university that employed her. Nowadays? Views like hers aren’t just tolerated and respected — they’re actually revered and cheered.

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