- The Washington Times - Thursday, July 6, 2017

BET Networks just aired its first episode of “Tales,” a television scripted take-off of NWA’s “F— Tha Police” musical hit. And the left, predictably enough, cheered.

But then a cop in New York City was just shot. And the left — well, the left must be feeling a bit puzzled on how best to respond. Don’t even get them started about ratings.

The plot of “F— Tha Police” is what it’s meant-to-shock headline promises — a look at police brutality through the lens of the victims. Only in this show, the victims are white; the perpetrating police, black; and the audience is supposed to gasp and awe at the in-your-face reversal of racism.

But then came the real-life shooting of Officer Miosotis Familia, and in the eyes of the left, that must kind of put a damper on the whole police-suck-and-deserve-to-die train of thought.  

Familia, a former Red Cross worker and mother of three who served 12 years with the department, was in her car and just finishing her duty for the day when a guy fired a shot through the window into her head. Her partner raced her to the hospital, but it was too late.

“This was an unprovoked direct attack on police officers who were assigned to keep the people of this city safe,” said Police Commissioner James O’Neill, also calling the attack an “assassination.” Rightly so. 

Surveillance video of the suspect, Alexander “John” Bonds, showed him approaching Familia’s car as a man on a mission, a man with a purpose. In fact, that was the exact phrase officials who viewed the surveillance tape used to describe Bonds’ behavior, right before he fired his revolver into Familia’s head — that he seemed to march toward her car “with purpose.”

And while police aren’t commenting on Bond’s motives, fact is his Facebook page included his videotaped rantings about poor police treatment of civilians, and about his terrible time serving in prison for robbery. In the video, Bonds said: “Don’t think every brother, cousin, uncle you got that get killed in jail is because of a blood or crip or Latin King killing them. Nah, police be killing them and saying that an inmate killed them.”

Go, Black Lives Matter.

It’s all rhetoric used by the far left to create a mass hysteria about police brutality, and to simultaneously avoid any type of self-reflection of behaviors that bring about arrest, detention and incarceration in the first place. It’s not that crimes are committed, it’s not that suspects are engaging in suspicious behaviors. It’s that police are targeting minorities and placing shoot-to-kill bounties on their heads.

Facts be danged. Skin color is key to staying safe. Sarcasm intended. Duly note.

So goes the leftist messaging, anyway — and it’s one that wasn’t only furthered by the likes of Barack Obama and Eric Holder, through prior White House and Justice Department crackdowns on community policing. But it’s one that’s been prodded into the stream of public consciousness so deeply now that arguing police aren’t racist has become, in itself, evidence of racism in the arguer.

It’s also one that’s left police in danger.

In late 2014, two officers, Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos, were shot and killed, ambush-style, by a man Ismaaiyl Brinsley, who was angry at the death of Eric Garner and looking for “pigs” to shoot. Garner was the New York City man who was grabbed around the throat by an officer, and who later suffered a heart attack.

These are hardly the only cases.

The National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund reported that 64 officers were killed by gunfire in 2016, a figure that’s 56 percent higher than in 2015. Moreover, those firearm incidents included 21 deaths from ambush-style shootings, the “highest total in more than two decades,” the fund said in a statement.

Five officers were killed by purposeful hits in Dallas; another three in Baton Rouge, Louisiana — and those eight deaths occurred all in the span of 10 days in July.

And the left wants to spin it as if the police deserve such treatment — as if they bring it on themselves with their racist tendencies?

The left wants to give us shows disguised as important social commentaries, but at root, calls to arms against law and order?

“F— Tha Police” only furthers and fuels the ridiculously placed narrative of police brutality. And it does so with a half-hearted wink and nod, by shifting the skin colors so that the evil police are black and the innocent targets of murderous police intents are long-suffering whites. 

Half-hearted may be generous. Already, viewers are seeing past the show’s ol’ skin color switcheroo to draw the conclusions they want to make — the ones that further the leftist vision of “pigs” taking on the little people.

“Love this episode,” wrote one fan, on the BET’s webpage for the show. “Wondering if this was pitched to CBS, NBC, etc. … Being viewed on BET … people of color will watch BUT we already know this story, we live it. Show is on the wrong channel. White people need to see this show and they are not turning on BET. But again, love this first episode.”

Gag. No matter how you dress it, no matter what color skin the actors have, the overall message and theme remains the same: Police are bad. Criminals are victims. And arresting criminals are racist offenses.

As such, police must be shot.

And so they are — Familia, most sadly, being the latest. What’s going to prove the real heartache for the left, though, is not so much Familia’s needless death, but rather how best to spin the story: Both Familia and Bonds, who was shot and killed in a firefight with police, looked black. But it’s doubtful BET will be making a show about telling, very telling statistics of black-on-black crime any time soon.

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