- The Washington Times - Thursday, July 6, 2017

President Donald Trump may be pulling out of the Paris climate change agreement to save America the fiscal heartache of complying with ridiculous emission controls.

But California? The state, under the leadership of Democrat Gov. Jerry Brown, is reeling in the opposite direction and bypassing Trump, offering like-minded leftist world leaders the chance to join a Global Climate Action Summit in his state in December.

It’s a love fest for the left.

Speeches galore, complete with anti-Trump rhetoric, pro-Mother Earth mantras. 

Oh boy, oh joy. This is a Democratic dream come true — a way to make White House policy irrelevant, a way to completely disregard the leadership of Trump, but in a way that can be packaged with “good for the American people, good for the world” branding.

It’s opposition with a smile — resistance, minus the Molotov cocktails and arrests.

The Democrats “Resistance Summer” has moved high class, from banner waving and street marches to whispered deals over jumbo shrimp.

“Yes, I know President Trump is trying to get out of the Paris Agreement, but he doesn’t speak for the rest of America,” Brown said in a video that was broadcast during the Global Citizen Festival in Hamburg, Germany. “We in California and in states all across America believe it’s time to act, it’s time to join together, and that’s why at this Climate Action Summit, we’re going to get it done.”

Do Democrats even listen to what comes out of their mouths? Of course Trump speaks for America — that comes with the White House title.

That’s why so many conservatives were ticked off about Barack Obama and his frequent foot-in-mouth apology tours at overseas’ spots — because, as president, he served as the mouthpiece for the United States.

That aside, Brown’s been a busy boy of late, sidestepping Trump’s policy goals to campaign around the White House’s back and form coalitions to bring on the climate change regulation, regardless of Republican wishes. He’s served as the voice of Under2 Coalition, a group of governments around the world committed to keeping global temperatures from rising more than two degrees Celsius — ever.

He’s traveled to China to meet with President Xi Jinping and that government’s climate change gurus — and signed agreements reducing carbon emissions.

And he’s pretty much served as the pit bull for the left on all matters climate change, trolling and trouncing those who question the government’s regulatory role in this category.

“The science is clear,” Brown said, during his State of the State address in January, the Hill reported. “The danger is real.”

The real danger, though, is not climate change. Rather, it’s politicians like Brown who press for regulatory control of all matters environmental, and who see nothing wrong with bypassing the White House to unite with world leaders and press a global will onto a sovereign United States. In a phrase, that’s called selling out America.

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