- The Washington Times - Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Democrats, fueled by a hatred of President Donald Trump and a never-ending grief that their heir apparent Hillary Clinton lost the White House, have gone off the deep end, smack dab into crazy, with calls for violence and mayhem serving as their normal course of political protests.

But not all. Here’s a list of those who’ve managed to remain level-headed:

Dennis Kucinich. The former congressman from Ohio.

That’s all for now.

On a recent showing on “Fox & Friends,” the staunch Democrat and Fox contributor said his party’s out all press for impeachment of Trump just doesn’t make good political sense.

“I think it’s destroying the party as an effective opposition,” Kucinich said, Breitbart noted. “People want political parties to be focused on America’s economic needs, on jobs, wages, health care, education, retirement security and peace, and they want American politicians to be constructive, not destructive. And I think that what’s happening here is not — it’s not good for the country.”

A gold star for Kucinich, for having the moral fortitude to side with Republicans by pointing to the sheer insanity of the left. But he also nailed one of the reasons for the Democrats’ demise — earning another gold star in the process.

“I think there are some people in the party who are still having a great difficulty being able to reconcile the results of the November 2016 elections with their own politics, and we have to realize the American people are the ones who judge President Trump,” he said. “And so, we must find common ground and you can’t establish common ground if you are slinging mud.”

Kucinich, whose political leanings are far and away disagreeable to conservatives, at least has the honesty to call out the crazy of his own Democratic family. And for that, he’s to be commended.

After all, you can’t fix a problem if you can’t identify its root. And Democrats, as a party, seem pretty content to abstain from this much-needed self-reflection.

The good news? There’s plenty of room ’round the campfire for other Democrats to join Kucinich in prudent politicking. They just have to leave the makeshift Molotov cocktails at home.

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