- The Washington Times - Friday, July 28, 2017

On the heels of the stunning health care defeat in the Senate, President Trump sent out a fundraising letter to supporters and slammed “Fake News CNN” for selling his accomplishments short.

“Can you believe it? I’ve been in office now for six months, fighting back against the liberals and their crony agenda for YOU — the Americans who have supported me through thick and thin,” Mr. Trump said in the email sent by the Trump re-election campaign.

The email subject line was: “Fake News CNN needs to hear this.” It was signed “Donald J. Trump, president of the United States.”

The email included a button for a $1 contribution, which linked to options for contributing $1 to the $2,700 maximum.

The appeal coincided with the failure of the president’s attempt to repeal Obamacare in an overnight Senate vote Thursday, leaving him still without a major legislative victory and the remainder of his legislative agenda in doubt.

“DESPITE their endless lies and the flood of Fake News, we’ve accomplished so much already — all thanks to YOUR incredible support. Together we’ve brought back thousands of jobs, fought back against radical Islamic terrorists, and scrapped the CORRUPT globalist deals that drain our wallets and weaken America,” it said. “But the Washington status quo HATES what we’re doing. They’ve made a lot of money off of business as usual. And now they’re fighting back.”

The present said those were the reasons he was turing to supporters as the end-of-month deadline approaches because “we must end the month STRONG.”

“They’ll try to attack us no matter what, but when we PROVE YET AGAIN that you — my loyal supporters — are still behind our movement, we will beat the clueless Democrats and the failing liberal news networks at their own game,” Mr. Trump said.

• S.A. Miller can be reached at smiller@washingtontimes.com.

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