- The Washington Times - Friday, July 28, 2017

White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci, as everybody in America now knows — because apparently, next to Republicans’ bail on Obamacare, it’s the biggest story out there — went on a rambling, near-epic and vulgarity-laced rant to a writer for the New Yorker, Ryan Lizza.

We haven’t had this much shock and awe with vulgarities since Rahm Emanuel’s White House days.

“Reince is a f—ing paranoid schizophrenic, a paranoiac,” Scaramucci said, every media outlet in the United States reported.

And he said this, while impersonating Priebus: “Let me leak the f—ing thing and see if I can c—block these people the way I c—blocked Scaramucci for six months” from securing a White House position.

And then, of course, there was this: “I’m not Steve Bannon. I’m not trying to suck my own c—. I’m not trying to build my own brand off the f—ing strength of the president. I’m here to serve the country.”

A mouth only a mother would love, right?

Well, Scaramucci’s hardly the only high-ranking politico to sling salty language.

Here’s a headline, from back in the day: “Rahn and the F-Bomb,” NBC Chicago wrote, in August 2012.

NBC wasn’t alone.

“Mayor Rahm and the f-bomb: a critical study,” headlined another piece from 2012, this one in April, and by the Chicago Reader.

“Emanuel uses F-word with Lopez for pushing his own rebate plan,” sang the Chicago Sun-Times, in February 2017, in reference to the mayor’s interactions with one of his aldermen, Ray Lopez.

Heck, Emanuel went off the tactful track to hit the vulgar trails so much during his political career — from White House to Chicago — there were videos made about him.

“Rahm Emanuel’s Famous Use of the Word ’F#@!’,” read one YouTube cut, billed as a “compilation of Rahm Emanuel’s colorful language.”

’Lest leftists forget: they’re not exactly known for their Miss Manners style of expressing frustrations, either.

“Joe Scarborough Drops F-Bomb on Air, Pisses Off Wife,” Vanity Fair reported, in 2008.

From the New York Post, in April 2017: “Democrats’ foul-mouthed strategy and other comments,” a story about New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand’s very public f-bomb.

From The Associated Press, on the one-year anniversary of the Twin Tower terrorism, on Sept. 11, 2012: “Vice President Joe Biden uses salty language to invite firefighters to White House.”

Then there’s this, from CNN, in April 2011: “Top 16-foul-mouthed politicians.” And guess who tops the list?

Barack Obama, followed by sidekick Biden.

Republicans are well-represented, as well. Dick Cheney, former vice president, lists as third; President Donald Trump, as fourth. Next in line: Sen. John Kerry, George W. Bush, Jimmy Carter, Emanuel — as CNN says, trying to narrow down his instances of f-bombing, “where to begin?” — Bill and Hillary Clinton, Harry S. Truman, Richard Nixon, John McCain, former New York governor Eliot Spitzer, ex-Chicago mayor Richard Daley and Lyndon B. Johnson.

Just sayin’.

Scaramucci joins a long, very long and very nonpartisan list. In fact, if tabs were taken, publicly cursing would probably go down in history as the activity politicians from both political parties equally participate in — ever.

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