- The Washington Times - Thursday, July 27, 2017

The whole problem with Obamacare repeal is not the repeal legislation — it’s the Republicans.

It’s the Republicans who, for seven years, screamed “Repeal!” but now — now that they’re in a position to actually fulfill that dream, do nothing.

In fact, some are even on a full steam march to oppose repeal efforts. That’s OK. The skeletons are out of the closet now.

There are six things which the Lord hates, seven which are an abomination to him — likewise, there are six Republicans who voted for Obamacare repeal two years ago, seven who voted against it now.

The dirty defectors?

Sens. Susan Collins of Maine, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia, Dean Heller of Nevada, John McCain of Arizona, Rob Portman of Ohio and Lamar Alexander of Tennessee. With the exception of Collins, all the others voted for repeal in 2015 — at a time when, apparently, they could count on Barack Obama to veto.

And this is what’s maddening about the failure of Republicans to repeal.

Their actions aren’t consistent.

Their promises are proving wishy-washy.

What members vowed years ago, when it was politically impossible to achieve, is being reneged on now, when all doors for repeal are wide open.

Of course, these abominable six have their reasons for abandoning their constituents and voting with Democrats on the “clean” repeal offered this week. Basically, they said they didn’t want to repeal without knowing what would replace.

They didn’t want to make a jump of blind faith.

“Pilots like to know where they’re going to land when they take off,” Alexander said, explaining his defection as a logical conclusion. “We should, too.”

Right-o, senator. That’s not the song being sung in 2015, though, was it?

Besides, you know who else likes to know where they’re going to land before they begin the flight?

Voters. Voters like to know where their political representatives stand before they fly off and pull the poll lever.

But sadly, as this whole Obamacare debate is proving, even when voters think they know the direction they’re flying, their elected pilots go rogue.

The quick and simple solution for that, of course, is for voters to fire these renegades.

No sense keeping around the pilots who won’t stay in formation. Republicans who balk on Obamacare repeal now that their party controls the House, Senate and White House are bad enough.

Republicans who voted for repeal two years ago, at a time they knew it wouldn’t pass, but who won’t vote for the same repeal now, when it very well could pass, are traitors to the cause. No matter what words they mutter, what excuses they offer, there just aren’t any to explain.

Voters voted Republicans to lead for two reasons: immigration and Obamacare repeal. President Donald Trump’s taking care of one, via executive orders. Now Congress, it’s time to step up to the plate and take care of the repeal. For Republicans, it’s a core constituent priority and it must be achieved. Those who can’t fulfill should not keep their seats.

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