- The Washington Times - Thursday, July 27, 2017

Princeton University just announced a new position, the “Interpersonal Violence Clinician and Men’s Engagement Manager.”

They’re seeking qualified candidates now. The best will be the man who most acts like a woman. 


Princeton may say this: “Princeton’s [new] program is similar to programs at other colleges and universities and is consistent with established best practices that encourage both men and women to create and foster a culture in which there is no place for interpersonal violence and where safe and healthy interpersonal relationships are the norm,” read a statement from university to the College Fix.

But what Princeton really means is this: Men need to be more docile. And we’re here to train.

“The person hired for this position will support an existing initiative — Men’s Allied Voices for a Respectful and Inclusive Community — and will provide mentoring and guidance to help men serve as effective advocates for the prevention of violence and connect those affected by violence with the services and supports they need,” Princeton’s Communications Office said in a statement.

How very — progressive.

Princeton wants you to believe this is a crime-stopping measure.

Don’t be fooled. It’s not.

It’s a propaganda push based on a radicalized feminist notion that men are aggressive, violent and misogynist, simply because they’re men, and that it’s going to take a concerted, societal effort to train them to recognize their own woman-hating, woman-discriminating natures.

Let’s be clear here: Rape is bad. Sexual harassment is wrong. Gender discrimination has no place in today’s society. And those who commit such affronts — those of either gender who are guilty of such acts — deserve to be held accountable, punished if applicable to the full letter of the law.

But this isn’t what Princeton’s new position is all about.

This job offering is about advancing what the left has been spinning for years — that men are the perpetrators of nearly all of society’s problems, and women the victims. LGBTs have recently been grouped in that same victimhood category as women.

And the logic is that to right these societal and cultural wrongs, men must first be trained in the insidious ways of their inherent misogyny and biases, and then taught to overcome them. How? In part, by consciously elevating women, LGBTs and other long-suffering classes to higher positions — while simultaneously and meekly taking for themselves subservient roles.

Enter Princeton, with the enlightenment.

And it’s one that should be viewed with utter contempt, skepticism and scorn.

Here’s the thing: If male aggression is a campus problem, hire more cops.

Don’t hire a liberal-trained counselor to point out all the faults of men — to tear down and emasculate them — and show the various subtle ways they keep a good woman down, as if performing a benefit for society at-large.

The theme of the downtrodden female gender just doesn’t hold water in today’s modern America. The gender wars, the fights for equality, are over. Women have already won.

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