- The Washington Times - Thursday, July 27, 2017

Michael Moore, Hollywood’s favorite propaganda filmmaker for the left, apparently didn’t get the message the Democrats are no longer the Party of Resistance, but rather Party of Pizza — with their dreamy new slogan that smacks of Papa John’s — because he’s calling on transgender individuals in the military to stand strong and oppose President Donald Trump.

Bluntly, Moore’s telling the nation’s serving transgender troops: “Refuse to leave.”

Umm, OK, Michael. But just so you know: Military law is different from civilian law.

The Uniform Code of Military Justice doesn’t exactly bend to the will of Hollywood wishes. Heck, half the time, particularly on judiciary matters, it doesn’t even bend to the provisions of the Constitution. So advising transgenders to go on some sort of Movement or Campaign and conduct a sit-in against the military powers-who-be who’ve ordered them out — the biggest, being none other than Commander in Chief Donald Trump — may not end well for the activist side.

In a phrase, the military don’t play that.

But Moore, wrapped as he is in his bubble, is oblivious to the realities of bucking a military order from a higher-ranking member.

In an appearance on “The Late Show” with Stephen Colbert, Moore called out Trump’s announce ban on transgenders in the U.S. military as “disgusting.” Then he advised this: “What is so disgusting about this is, if you are transgender trying to get by in this society, I couldn’t think of any more brave people to have defending this country than transgenders.”

Really? Why?

No matter. Moore’s got a vision, and it’s rooted in leftist desires — so that makes it fact.

His advice to transgenders currently serving, however, should go down in history as one of the most folly-ridden suggestions — well, ever.

“Just say,” he said, when asked what transgenders in the military should now do if they’re asked to leave, Breitbart noted, “’We’re not going anywhere. Come and get us.’”

Oh, man. This would be laughable if it weren’t so foolhardy. Hey, Michael, this isn’t the movies. There’s not going to be a transgender super hero that swoops into the roomful of dim-witted military brass to take out the Trump ban with a quick sweep of cape.

Just so you know, in the military, they have a special place for troops who refuse to follow lawful orders — it’s called jail.

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