- The Washington Times - Thursday, July 27, 2017

President Donald Trump, just a few hours ago, put out what’s probably his Best. Tweet. Ever.



That’s what America is all about. That’s what makes this country, above all others, most magnificent.

What’s truly awesome is that we now have a president who recognizes this.

For eight long years, under Barack Obama, we saw up close and personal what it means to have a government that set itself as the doler of rights — as the god of the people. And for eight long years, we suffered the bloat and burdens of an ever-growing, ever-encroaching government that despised the very taxpayer hands that fed — the food stamp payouts; the apology tours; the red carpet giveaways of citizenship to those who wanted only to take, not give; the condescension and scoldings from an arrogant executive who drew moral equivalencies between America and third world terrorist nations.

Obama ran the country as his personal kingdom, bestowing favors on those who pleased him and taking revenge on those who did not. Ask a tea party organization how they suffered under Obama’s IRS.

Ask a Republican.

Obama was the epitome of a government that set itself as a god.

But this is Trump, in a video link included in his tweet: “Family and faith, not government and bureaucracy, are the foundations of our society. You’ve heard me say it before on the campaign trail, and I’ll say it again tonight. In America, we don’t worship government. We worship God.”

If Trump does nothing else in office but live out those words, he’ll go down in American history as one of our greatest presidents. That, and that alone, is the core principle that guides our greatness. Lose that, and we’ve got nothing — we’re just another nation. The fact we have a White House chief who reminds us of that makes all the petty political bickerings and partisanship small fry fights.

The fact we have a White House chief who isn’t afraid to give power to this principle by speaking it loudly and proudly is an about-time moment in American politics. Simply put: Trump gets it. What a relief, and respite from the government storm, for us all.

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